7 pounds in 7 days!

That's gained by the way, not lost.
It was totally worth it though. Went on a cruise with a bunch of family and friends. We ate, drank and were very merry. Now I've got to get back at it and work my butt off!
Spent some quality time at the gym today and it felt good, but I really miss eating whatever I want without worrying about the calories.
After 6 days and nights of Grade A feasting, I'm feeling hungry all the time now.
Any tips to kick the cravings?
I was on an EC stack before the cruise and it really helped curb my appetite, but it was affecting my blood pressure so I'll not be using it again.


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Good on you for enjoying your cruise. First, know that probably half, if not more, is water retention. Fill your cravings with low calorie foods such as veggies and stuff. Your gut and brain are trained to be in cruise mode and you need to fake it til you make it.