Speed Camera's



  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, I don't know whether laws should be changed or not. I suppose the way I look at it is, if you're travelling down an expressway (same as motorway?) and the default speed limit is 60mph, and suddenly it tells you to reduce to 45mph, it doesn't matter what kind of car you're driving, there's a reason up ahead that you need to slow down. A curve, a construction zone, an intersection... does it matter how quickly your car can stop?

    I don't think the vehicles' capabilities are at issue. High speed = less time to react. Low reaction time=higher incident of accident. Your car can only do what you have the time to tell it to do.

    I'm really not trying to pick on you here, I'm sure you're a good guy. I just feel those numbers are posted for a reason, and I get weary of people disregarding them and endangering others. If you want to kill yourself, your choice, but don't take me or someone I love with you.
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    I'm just going to throw this out there....I'm a bad driver, but on interstates where there is no one on the road but me and its basically straight road, I'm going to be flying. Its practically impossible to mess that up.
    BUT, I got a ticket going 98 in a 70 last year. It was awful. My friend was driving in front of me and we were on our way back from a trip to New Orleans...he had my driver's license in his car.. Its a long story of the events that caused it to happen, but I was arrested (handcuffs hurt!!!) and had my license suspended for 8 months. I wasn't aware that I didn't have a license until month 7. (oops:blushing: )

    I could be wrong, but I think that when people are driving at faster speeds they are more aware of the road and everything going on. At least I am.
    When I'm driving at like 30-50, I have no cares in the world, my car is basically on autopilot. Now, this is coming from a bad driver. But I've only been in 1 accident and it was not my fault. I've been pulled over a few times for things like not having my foot on the floorboard (apparently that's bad?) but I have come away with a fairly decent driving record over the 5 years that I've been driving.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Well, I don't know whether laws should be changed or not. I suppose the way I look at it is, if you're travelling down an expressway (same as motorway?) and the default speed limit is 60mph, and suddenly it tells you to reduce to 45mph, it doesn't matter what kind of car you're driving, there's a reason up ahead that you need to slow down. A curve, a construction zone, an intersection... does it matter how quickly your car can stop?

    I don't think the vehicles' capabilities are at issue. High speed = less time to react. Low reaction time=higher incident of accident. Your car can only do what you have the time to tell it to do.

    I'm really not trying to pick on you here, I'm sure you're a good guy. I just feel those numbers are posted for a reason, and I get weary of people disregarding them and endangering others. If you want to kill yourself, your choice, but don't take me or someone I love with you.

    I don't really mean to get involved in a debate, but I thought my experience does have some bearing on this.

    Being a law officer for 6 years I saw a lot of crazy stuff. My opinion on speed limits changed pretty drastically the night I responded to an accident where two vehicles collided, both were traveling 10 miles per hour or so over the speed limit (speed limit was 45, they were traveling 55 or so), one vehicle tried to swerve to avoid a motorcycle that pulled out in front of him and ran across the line and hit the other car headon. I don't know if that 20 miles per hour would have made a difference in the long run, but all I know, is when I start to speed the face of the young woman that died in my arms comes back to haunt me. I drive much more conservatively these days. I honestly think that 20 lousy miles per hour may have been the difference between a bad wreck and a fatal one.

    Just be careful Al, it only takes one time for a decision to change your life, or worse someone elses. :smile: