Good Morning

Hello All,
I need friends who can really support me through this. The first almost 6-7 month I was on my diet or lifestyle changed I lost about 50 pounds. Some stress hit over the following year, and I gained back 30 of it. Currently I think I have lost a total of 25 pounds, but I need to get re-motivated I still have like 80 pounds to go. Currently I am trying weight watchers, which is nice for some motivation, but I understand counting calories not points. I think I will just do my fitness pal and go to weight watchers with my friend for motivation. Does that defeat the purpose of ww. I need motivation, but I guess it is expensive if I am not really doing their program. I would like to weigh in about 40 pounds thinner by the beginning of June. Anyone want to do this challenge with me. Thoughts on this?


  • KingNitty
    KingNitty Posts: 40 Member
    I usually try my best to motivate and hold people accountable and expect my friends to do the same so you can add me if you like