This is my plan ...advice needed and welcome

Hi there...I'd love to get some feedback...just recently started logging and my diary is open...

My stats:

Age: 43
Current weight: 155 lbs
Goal weight: 140-145
Height: 5' 5"
Exercise: On day 2 of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution (logged as Curves Circuit training) 6 days per week. I'd like to start weight training and I figured that this was the best way for me to start.

Eating back exercise calories

I don't restrict any foods as I pretty much eat what I want. I have wine on weekends only (Fri & Sat)
No medical issues.

Thanks !


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You don't weigh your digital scale so chances are your entries are not as accurate as they could be.

    I see no logging on this past weekend along with other weekends and other days....I see incomplete days to be frank your logging is crap

    Your protien intake is quite low. In order to maintain your muscle you need protien in your least 1g for each lb of Lean body mass. I eat 120g of protien a day.

    If you want to start weight training do it...but make sure you are getting enough protien and fat in your diet and log consistently and accurately.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I personally would probably not eat back ALL of my exercise calories. Unless I was in particular hungry or grumpy lately. Only because burns are so overestimated.

    Get into the habit of logging accurately and consistently, and I don't see any reason you won't be successful, if you have patience.
  • It's an estimate, I know, but fitness says that your BMR is 1426 and that your TDEE (set at light exercise…think yours is moderate or even heavy) is 1961.

    Consider resetting your goals on MFP (Diary goal currently is 1392) to accurately reflect your activity level, take measurements and pics regularly, buy a food scale, log accurately and be patient! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you ladies...much appreciated !
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    You and I are pretty close in stats & goals (I turn 43 next Monday)! My first suggestion is to get a food scale. Weigh everything that you eat and be diligent about it. A lot of people who are new to lifting use the "New Rules to Lifting for Women" or "Stronglifts". That will get you started. Good luck!