turbo fire

hi i have just started turbo fire (day 2) and wondering what to put it down as on my app in exercise
anyone out there use turbo fire and could recommend what to log it as


  • kelsiekae
    kelsiekae Posts: 65
    I'm doing TurboFire and I just created an exercise of my own. I just log it as "TurboFire" and then add a note/comment to what exercise(s) I did that day so I can reference back. But I've also seen people make an entry for every specific exercise. That's the nice thing about being able to create your own exercise, you can do it however you want :)
  • Danijean10
    Danijean10 Posts: 12 Member
    I made my own exercise in there
  • zeldana1
    zeldana1 Posts: 4
    i did just put it down as aerobic high impact but wasn't sure of the calories as they say on average you burn 650 calories doing turbo fire but i no thats not the case for everyone
  • Danijean10
    Danijean10 Posts: 12 Member
    Its best if you hsve a heart rate monitor that way you know exavtky how many calories youre burning. I burn around 645 for fire 40, firrstarter in the 400s.