Help: Injured Leg / Tired of Sitting on My Butt

Hey all! I've gotten great advice from you guys in the past, so hoping for recommendations.

Recently, my lower left leg (achilles? hamstring? not sure) swelled up and was completely sore. The real odd part is that I never truly felt an injury, like sudden pain. I just woke up with it swollen and hurting, presumably from overuse and understretching. I've given it a week off, but no dice. This kills me, because: A. weather is getting better and I love to run, but can't, and B. I don't want to lose all of the progress I made over the last two months, increasing the weights I use for deadlift, squats, lunges and step-ups.

Annnnywaaay... I'm tired of sitting on my butt, getting fatter, etc. Yesterday, I went to the gym and just did random weights (curls, wide-grip lat pulldown, swiss ball crunches, torso twists, and some gymnast style ab workout... wish I knew the name of the machine).

I'm looking for other suggestions for exercises to work as much of me as possible, but understanding that I probably won't be able to do leg stuff at all (even including dead lifts). I was already thinking about back flies or the bent over row, but I'd rather hear your favorite workouts. Thanks in-advance!


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Shoulder press, bench press, all types of curls, bent-over rows, pull-ups/chin-ups, push-ups, back extensions, wood chops or other rotational moves that work the core and arms.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Go and see a doctor/pt.

    In the meantime, RICE. Get better!
  • daisyellow
    daisyellow Posts: 54 Member