Guidance, Motivation, and Advice Needed

:smile: Hello Everyone - I'm looking for some advice and motivation. I am currently 28 years old, 5'2'', and 140 pounds. I carry most of my weight in my butt/hips/thighs. About 8 years ago I weighed 183 pounds and got down to 137 (my lowest weight ever). I've been lingering between 145-155 over the past couple of years and am now working towards finally getting off those last pounds. I thought I'd be happy getting back to 137 as I felt great previously at that weight but the closer I get the more I'm realizing that I'm not nearly as happy with my body as I was previously and have a lot more work to do. When I look at healthy weight ranges for my height, those numbers seem completely impossible as I'm so stuck in my head that my body can't get below 137. I'm just struggling to get the right plan and motivation in place as I remember previously it was nearly impossible for me to lose weight once I was in the 130s and I don't want to get frustrated and give up once again. Any advice for motivation, workouts, exercise plans, healthy weights goals, etc. while enjoying a social life from time to time is greatly appreciated!
