Back on the weight loss wagon!

In Jan. 2012 I began my first attempt at losing weight. I went from 196 to 160 in 4 months by doing running/walking exercises and was loving it. I was a SAHM at the time. I got a job in June 2012 and stopped working out completely. Between June 2012-Jan 2013 (7 months) I gained 10 lbs. I was PISSED at myself so I started doing 2 Zumba classes a week. I maintained 170 for 10 months and was ok with that weight though I wanted to lose more. I went on a cruise this past October and bought a house in Nov. and managed to put on 15 lbs in just 3 months! It was scary how fast it all happened.

So here I am, starting back with running/walking and also Zumba. I've already lost 4 lbs in just 2 weeks so I'm on the right track. I'm also watching what I eat. Hopefully this time I'll see my goal of 150 and not let anything get in my way. If you think we can can help motivate one another, please add me! It always helps having someone support you. :)


  • ForABetterMe89
    Sending a request. I fell off the wagon too after losing 23 lbs. I gained 5 over the last 5.5 months, and I want them off again, plus another 10. My original goal was 150, but now I'm aiming for 140.