Who plans their day out?

I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?


  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I do I do. I could post my diary a week at a time if MFP would let me. I'd have to tweak it slightly for workouts and last minute changes but those are rare. I'm pretty predictable.
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    I plan my whole day, usually week out. But, I have no problem with eating the same thing every day for a week. If I plan on varying what I eat, I always log ahead of time to see how I will make out calorie wise. This way I can make adjustments before it's too late. I have had some luck doing it this way.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    I'm super busy with Grad school so I find it easy to buy groceries for the week on Sunday, then I know what my lunches are then I don't have to think and I can log them in the morning when I pack my lunch for school.

    Sometimes I delete things I don't eat and add other things, but it helps me as a guide. As for dinner, I don't usually log in advance.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?

    Wouldn't it be easier if you were at college? like you have a schedule and stuff .... so I don't get how its harder.... to me it would be easier to plan. This kind of seems like a common excuse to me.

    Yes I plan everyday ... sometimes for 3-4 days in a row. It's not restricting spending time 1 night saves time for the next 3 nights ...
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I eat the same b'fast and pretty much the same lunch Mon-Fri. I have those meals pre-programmed in the "My Meals" section of MFP. Honestly when I was in college, I pretty much ate the same b'fast and same lunch Mon-Fri too. I think it's just the way I am.

    It just makes my life much easier now that I have 2 little kids that I also have to plan/cook meals for also. I definitely don't think it's restricting for me. I actually think it's liberating, b/c I don't have to constantly think about food. It's pretty automated.
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?

    Wouldn't it be easier if you were at college? like you have a schedule and stuff .... so I don't get how its harder.... to me it would be easier to plan. This kind of seems like a common excuse to me.

    Yes I plan everyday ... sometimes for 3-4 days in a row. It's not restricting spending time 1 night saves time for the next 3 nights ...

    It's actually fairly difficult, my schedule differs daily, I work 30 hours a week, and I tend to stay up later than I should. I'm not making an excuses, I was just looking for variety.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    ME! I plan out my whole week usually. Do I stick to it 100% ALL the time? No. But, a failure to plan is a plan for failure...
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    This guy does.

    I generally switch my breakfast every other day so I usually eat the same thing for breakfast two days in a row. So I generally log breakfast for today & the day ahead.

    Snacks always vary from day to day but I have a standard of things that I generally eat.

    Lunch changes day to day.

    Dinner changes day to day but we plan our meals and I scale food accordingly to hit macros.

    Pre & Post Workout fuel is the same stuff everyday along with supplements.
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I try to plan as much as possible, I do a lot better when I'm fully planned for the day.
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
    I log on each morning and log my whole day. I am much more successful when I do this.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I plan a day ahead only because half the time we don't know what's for dinner until the night before. Then again i also plan my trips out of the house hour by hour in detail, i'm OCD that way.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I do...typically after I eat my breakfast because that will define if I need more protien or not...

    This week I have planned out 2 days in advance....I am liking it actually.

    I am hoping I can start doing it more...makes life easier actually as there is no guessing from day to day and meal to meal what I need to eat to hit my macros.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I sure do. Because it's easier for me... I typically have 3 breakfast meal options.... I keep ingredients for them in the house at all times so I can change it up... but having only 3 it takes the guesswork out.

    Breakfast: eggs w/ toast, oatmeal, luna bar.

    As for lunch... same thing. I either have a sandwich with veggies, leftovers, or Perdue Simply Smart Chicken tenders w/ veggies or a smoothie.

    Dinner: I pair a lean protein with a veggie. It could be chicken, fish, turkey, beef, whatever.

    Snacks: I pack my lunch so I pre-log in the morning what I brought with me.... I have cookies at work if the mood strikes... and I have a protein shake most days because I don't hit protein macros without it.

    That's it. The weekends are where I allow myself to deviate from the norm because I have the opportunity to work off the extra calories if need be.
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    I have often do that, especially when I was working on getting enough/not too much of a certain macro. It makes it easier during the day. If something comes up and you choose to alter your plans there is a delete button on your food log. I find it is easier to plan nutritious, filling meals when I pre-log as opposed to grabbing whatever I can quickly and filling it in later.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It's an optimal way of keeping yourself on track.
  • toomanireasons
    Planning my days and weeks is the way I can stay on track. It begins with shopping and what will perish first. :) this lifestyle change for me requires many choices and changes so I have to always be thinking ahead !
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Typically I plan my week out, this way I know what to buy at the store, can do most of my cooking on Sundays, and it makes the rest of the week much easier. It also saves on my deciding last minute to order dinner, because everything is ready to go. I've always like to plan this way for my budget now it helps with my macro and calorie budget as well. Takes some time getting used to, but like anything else once you get in the routine it is very easy.
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    I semi plan. I find if I don't, there isn't anything to eat and I binge on junk.

    I usually have 3 different breakfasts I rotate through. It also works to plug them in MFP so I don't miss a day.

    Lunch is usually left over dinner. I used to think that I didn't need it, but it is so much easier when I plan.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I plan the night before what I will bring with me to work.
    Mostly to make sure I eat enough, or I will get dizzy.
  • KatyRu
    KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
    I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?

    Wouldn't it be easier if you were at college? like you have a schedule and stuff .... so I don't get how its harder.... to me it would be easier to plan. This kind of seems like a common excuse to me.

    Yes I plan everyday ... sometimes for 3-4 days in a row. It's not restricting spending time 1 night saves time for the next 3 nights ...

    Lol, have you ever been to college? It's not just go to class and come home like high school. College is stressful, and schedules VARY, especially because most college students (such as myself) work, have other things to do, etc., and weeks with exams or papers due are DIFFICULT, and studying for these is extremely time-consuming. I find myself drinking too much coffee these weeks, or forgetting to eat at all just because I'm so busy. OR I'm so stressed out that I overeat as I work on my paper. Finding healthy things to eat at school sucks too. I'm pretty much stuck either packing my lunch or buying a granola bar from the vending machine. Also, college students are typically broke. Trying not to eat like a broke college kid is difficult when you actually are one.

    As for me, I generally TRY to plan my day out in advance. Otherwise I'll eat like a broke college kid. It varies when things come up as well, such as a quiz I forgot I had etc., or when I realize I no longer have healthy food in my house, nor do I have the time to go get some healthy food if I actually want a healthy amount of sleep......but I generally try to stick to my eating plan.