Want to be friends?

Hi :) I am looking for some new friends as my list has become quite small over time. I have been on MFP for about 2.5 years, but had stopped regularly using it since around Julyish. I had been at an extremely low point mentally and stopped caring about myself. Before gaining back a lot of my weight, I had been very successful at losing it slowly. I was ten pounds away from my goal weight when I stopped taking care of myself and went back to all of my old ways and habits. Truth be told, I am terrified of maintenance because I've never been able to do it. Weight loss is easy and I don't have a problem with taking the weight off as long as I am eating a higher calorie diet and exercising. (I do not believe in low calorie diets and believe they are what got me here in the first place). My problem is emotional eating and keeping a mental state where I want to do the work to give myself a better life. I can honestly say I have a food addiction and am working on finding other ways to deal with my emotions. I have an extremely hard time finding balance in life if I don't have a specific goal. This time, I am making fitness my goal. Not necessarily weight loss or diet (although I am trying very hard to not to give in to emotional eating). I find myself getting very motivated when I reach fitness goals and everything else just seems to fall into place naturally... Anyway, I want to do this thing for real now and stop feeling sorry for myself. Give me a friend request if you want to support each other :)


  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! I know what you are talking about when you say that you stopped when you were close to your goal. I have been at that kind of low point in my life as well. I had reached my goal but became out-of-sorts and just let it go again. I had gained 20lbs back and then it just seemed to grow from there. Last year I said that I wanted to get back in shape and lose the weight. Did MFP for a few weeks and then just let it go again. Gained some more but finally one day said this is it! I am not going to buy size XX paints in order to fit my clothes! This is crazy – I’m losing the weight. I have been making that my goal for almost two months. You are so right that old habits are hard to overcome! I do look at the calories that I am taking in, but I eat when I’m hungry and what I want to eat. I exercise all the time now (even if it’s just 30 minutes at a time). It allows me to eat more or smile at having extra calories that I don’t use. I don’t use the word diet because that is a sign of failure for me – I am eating and getting healthy. This works for my mindset. I agree with you about the motivation from reaching fitness goals! I use several apps to keep me moving in the right direction and LOVE it when I make a goal on any one of them. Things do seem to fall into place when you find things that make you happy – the world looks like a better place. You help me along my path and I will sure help you along yours! We will both get there!!!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I don't know what it is. Some kind of mental block I hit.. Like I let myself fail before I can even try. I also got to the same point, I've been wearing my largest work pants and they are too tight! I refuse to buy a bigger size, so that was kind of my breaking point even though I'd been trying to get myself to get back to it before. It sounds like you're in a really good place now, though- realizing your weaknesses and strengths so you can know what you need to work on. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Hi I have been there too I was only a few pounds from my goal and I just gave up. It is an emotional thing I can't explain it. Feel free to add me, we can support each other :) xx
  • John31TL
    John31TL Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, I read your post and totally agree about calorie obsession. Fitness, peace of mind and having fun are key to weight loss and maintaining I think. Ive never felt better than when exercising every day, even a little. ive had a bad back so just starting fitness again, im a miserable *kitten* when I dont exercise lol.

    MFP is good but it has no chat box which isnt very good. Im trying to find friends who chat on Gmail, Yahoo etc to give real support. I only have a few friends as I think a few supportive ones are better than 100 non supportive ones lol.

    Anyway, good luck with your quest. Add me if you chat online other than here, if not I wish you every success, you'll get there im sure.

    Keep smiling