Sworkit App

Has anyone used the Sworkit App (available on Apple and Android). I have only tried it once doing a short "warm-up" at work to get moving since I had been stuck at my desk all day. If so do you have any suggestions on what you do while at work? Or just a go to exercise/stretching routine you use while at your desk?


  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't use it at work, but I've used it at home for different workouts. I alternate it with walking and yoga with Yoga Studio app. It really gets me sweating, and I didn't expect it to at first. My husband has the Pro version and it has a few different things than the free version, but the free one works just fine.
  • apgill86
    I am really busy right now with work and studying for a professional exam, so I don't have time to get to a gym. I usually wake up 10-15 minutes earlier and do a 10-minute boot camp session a few times a week. I do the workout in my room because you don't need that much space. I have the pro app and I love it because you can create custom workouts, and if you do a pre-set workout, you can change the time intervals of exercise and rest.

    I think doing the stretching or yoga workouts at work for 5 minutes is a great idea! I would do it if I had space by the office I work in is REALLY small and always full of people so I don't think it would work. At work, every 1-2 hours I get up and do 3-4 flights of stairs up and back down. That might be worth trying if you are looking for ways to stay active during the day at work.