Really fussy eater - where to get help?


I have an issue with food that I have googled so many times and it never gives me an answer. I want to know who I see sees out my fussy eating. I'm 22 and for as long as I can remember I've been such a fussy eater (apparently I was not like this as a child) and the last few months it's really been worrying me. My diet is awful, I eat about 20 different foods altogether (if that). Pretty much everything I do like is high in calories, fat and/or sugar. I basically live on chocolate, crisps, fried chicken, sausages, ham sandwiches, mash and chips.

My issue is that it's obviously a very unhealthy diet as I'm not eating anything healthy or nutritious as I don't eat any fruit, veg, pasta, fish, etc. The main problem is around tasting things. I absolutely hate trying new things, it makes me all sweaty and nervous and want to burst into tears, I really struggle to actually put new foods in my mouth & then I've convinced myself I'm not going to like it. I haven't tried most foods.

I am well aware that it sounds pathetic and that I should 'suck it up and just try it' but for me, it's really not that simple. I want to know who I see about this (dietician, GP, etc) as I'm quite concerned about the impact it's going to have on my health, especially as I get older.

I'd really appreciate any advise anyone has on this.


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Raise your hand if you misread the title
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Raise your hand if you misread the title

    /plays pocket pool

    sorry chief, I can read good.
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    Raise your hand if you misread the title

  • emmajones1291
    Haha! I'm assuming you misread the f for a p?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
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    OP, you dont have to eat "healthy foods" to lose weight.
    eat what you want, just less of it.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I have some suggestions. I have used these methods with small children and I have seen similar methods work with teens and even adults.

    First of all, twenty foods is great. That is lots of variety and you will live, so relax about it.

    If you can send me a list of those twenty foods, we can come up with some similar textures and colours that you may not eat yet. If you like French fries you could try adding some green food colour to it just to make it look different, and then slowly get used to eating green fries and noticing that they taste, smell and feel the same. if you like mashed potatoes, you could try adding a bit of mashed cauliflower to it (MFP joke, but if you're comfortable do it.0

    Pick two or three foods and expose yourself to them every day. By exposure I mean touch it, look at it, maybe smell it, put it on your plate, but then have a throw away bowl near by so that you don't have to keep it there if you are uncomfortable while you eat your meal. Keep doing this every meal. It may take 40 times before you feel comfortable putting the food near your mouth or licking it. Be patient with yourself, you don't have to ever eat it if you don't want to.

    Do the same thing with random food from time to time. Realize throughout the whole process that it's ok for your diet to mainly consist of the original twenty foods. It may take six months to get there, but you will.

    Many people try something and it doesn't work so they give up. Don't give up. Don't force yourself to eat anything, just have little experiences until you are comfortable. (Think systematic desensitization... it is a very long slow process.)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Raise your hand if you misread the title



    OP, you dont have to eat "healthy foods" to lose weight.
    eat what you want, just less of it.

    That is true, but it's better for your health to get the kinds of micronutrients present in a varied diet including lots of vegetables. You WILL lose weight eating nothing but processed white-flour carbs and fried meat if you eat those in small enough quantities, but you will be healthier in general if you can eat the vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal nutrition.This isn't a weight-loss issue so much as a general health one.

    OP, you sound like you need a psychologist more than a GP or dietitian. This is a mental thing more than anything and some kind of exposure therapy might be best thing if you are truly as food-phobic as you seem. It is not normal to have this much anxiety about trying new foods and you do sound like you could benefit enormously from professional help with it.
  • emmajones1291
    skullshank - I know I don't need to eat healthy foods to lose weight, but I want to be a healthier eater. I don't eat any healthy foods so must be missing out on all the vitamins and minerals I need. I'm always tired as well, and I'm always hungry. I'm NEVER satisfied with what I've eaten, as everything I eat is quite high in calories, I'm limited on the amount of it I can actually have so it's never enough.

    RaspberryKeyt - I say 20 foods, but the majority of them are similar sort of things so there's not much variety really. And some of them I may eat once a year and that'll be it. I have sent you a list of the foods I will eat, but I don't think my problem is as much with touching the foods as I prepare food in work that I am not willing to eat myself and it's not really an issue (there's a few things I hate touching but I'm not afraid to do it). It's the putting it in my mouth that I really struggle with, I could sit there and hold it all day.

    peleroja - I thought it might be a psychologist I would be better off seeing, but I have no idea how to go about this. I live in the UK, I have never seen a psychologist before so I don't even know where I would find one? Or if I'd go to my GP first and they'd refer me further if they thought I needed it? I'm not sure how it works.

    Thanks for your messages :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Part of it is making yourself and realising it is not the end of the world. Your fears do not rule you. Do see your GP, but also try to work on it yourself.

    Buy one different food each week and try it at least 5 times prepared in a different way.

    Chose foods that are somewhat similar to the ones you are eating now: for example you like chips and mash, so try a jacket potato. Add sweet potato to your mash, start with maybe 25% of sweet and the rest normal and go from there. Make some sweet potato chips.

    You like crisps, so try some of the veggie crisps that are out there or make your own.

    You like sausages so try some of the other pork cuts with some seasoning on it (that way it tastes like the sausages, but is a different texture). The same with chicken.

    People with fussy children sometimes use pureed veggies mixed in with other foods to get the kids used to them, but I am not sure this would necessarily work for you, because it is more a mental thing and if you are the one doing it, it won't be hidden as such, you'll still know. I have a friend though who does a lovely chocolate mouse with avocado.

    Good luck :flowerforyou: