Les Mills Combat or Pump?



  • thyme4
    thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
    LOVE Combat! Have been doing the program since March this year. Followed the suggested schedule; still do several sessions a week just because I enjoy it so much. When I started, I was pretty close to my goal weight but I did still lose inches. I was interested in Pump as a way to balance my workouts by adding in strength training. Ultimately didn't go there because I already own weights and there wasn't a convenient way to purchase the DVDs and not the weights. Also, I couldn't get past the fact that they were not really very heavy weights so I that made me think it was still more cardio-with-resistance rather than actual strength training. So for that I've gone to NROLFW.
  • 2boo2
    2boo2 Posts: 15 Member
    i did both. I did Body Pump for 1 1/2 hears 3-4x week. I usually used heavy weights.

    It is okay if you are afraid to go to the weight room and/or don't do any "strength" training.

    If you are serious about obtaining strength, I suggest that you learn the proper forms on who to do the basic lift
    Dead lift, back squat, bench press, and shoulder press. Also master the push up and pull up.

    Body Pump has poor form. (Really?? Why do they do half squats? Do they want to injure their knees? Or just half train the lower part of body? Why do push ups without having the chest hit the floor or have your arms flared out? So you can say that you did push ups.? Do you want to screw up the shoulders? )

    Most moves are not "functional". What do you do in real life that would require you to do the shoulder/ arm raises with one arm out???? When you do bicep curls for several minutes?

    It has taken me over 2 years and numerous coaches to correct all the "bad habits" I picked up at Body Pump.

    Once i started to hit the free weights, I got stronger. I was able to do numerous dead hang pull ups/ pull ups/ olympic lifts, etc.

    Background: My body pump instructors where the "well known" ones.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Following for responses....

    Out of all the Team Beachbody DVD series; Les Mills is the library I paid the LEAST attention to. Maybe because I never got into pump or combat at the gym so I didn't really give it much love when it came to DVD. My workouts for the rest of the year is spoken for but next year is wide open and I"m looking to fill it with a newer series of programs and I'd like the opinions of those who have done pump and combat.
  • Snailman44
    Snailman44 Posts: 25
    Because its only 3 times a week i recommend doing cardio on your days off. Also your nutrition is super important with these programs. I would look into a good quality pre/post workout drink for these videos.
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    I LOVE Combat. Let me put it this way, I have a new baby at home who gets me up multiple time each night... so sleep is at a premium. But I'll get out of bed before work for a LM Combat workout ;)
    The music is great, the instructors are motivating (but not annoying) and the combinations are challenging but catchy. I don't prefer Pump over other more weight based programs, because if I'm going to lift (which really isn't my thing, but a necessary evil, lol) I want to life hard so I tend to turn to Body Beast for a weight based program.
    So my vote is Combat FTW
  • puppybear1978
    Im a body pump addict!! Can only get to gym to do it once a week - so I got some weights for home so i can do it watching you tube!!

    Feel free to add me! Love all fitness buddies!!
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    LOVE pump. Sad my gym no longer has it!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I do the pump classes a lot, even though I'm often the only male there.

    You work all the major muscle groups and burn 550 calories in an hour. Perfect!

    Its a lot better than the resistance machines in my opinion.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I love Combat. I do it at home. I have two weeks left of my current schedule and I am going to do it again but a more advanced version.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Here's an article discussing a study done on Body Pump's effectiveness. http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/bodypump-group-exercise-does-it-work-or-not
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just reread my post and realized I said I do two body pump a month, lol. I meant twice a week. I love it. They haven't introduced combat at my gym yet, but my instructor said she can't wait. They're still training and waiting for the start date.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Here's an article discussing a study done on Body Pump's effectiveness. http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/bodypump-group-exercise-does-it-work-or-not

    Nice. Maybe people will quit posting that Body Pump is 'cardio' now.

    "...researchers concluded BodyPump classes were effective at increasing muscular strength and endurance and developing efficiency in movements and muscle activation. Although subjects did indicate metabolic and cardiovascular improvements, these improvements did not translate to actual aerobic fitness."
  • 2boo2
    2boo2 Posts: 15 Member
    The article also states:

    "For a deconditioned woman looking to get back into fitness, BodyPump could be a good choice. The program is available worldwide, involves group motivation, and simple exercises. The science shows that while she may want to include some additional aerobic activity, BodyPump will increase a participant’s strength and muscular endurance."

    So... If you already "working out", BP would be cardio.