I'm thinking of ordering T25

I'm using the firm express DVD's now but I would like to up the workout and try the T25 DVDs next. I'm finding that even with the 20 minutes from the firm express I start having a really hard time around the 15 minute mark. I'm worried I won't be able to keep up with T25. My main goal is to increase my strength and endurance levels. Has anyone tried T25? or even better both of them to give me a comparison?


  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm on week 3 of T25 and love the program so far. It's tough, but I feel myself getting stronger and better each time I workout. There is a modifier that I follow if I can't do all the moves. I highly recommend this program.

    Good luck
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I've just started T25 this past Monday with 3 family members. All of us are not big fitness people (I think I'm the only one who has worked out regularly) but we've gotten through the first couple of workouts great. Its challenging but not ridiculous. If you're having trouble at the 15 min mark, just slip into the modified version of the exercises or even jog in place just to keep moving. I've been reading up on it online and most posters are saying that the first little while you will probably need the modified moves, and after that you'll be able to keep incorporating more of the 'full' moves. My family even said they were looking forward to the next workout - which is huge! I know I'm early into the program but I think its going to be great!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I love T25. I have finished the entire program, including Gamma and the Gamma strength hybrid.

    I highly recommend this program to any and everyone. There is a modifier for those folks who are just starting out or just need lower impact exercises due to an injury or ailment.

    When I first started the program I was far from being in great shape. I walked miles everyday and also did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but T25 pushed me in ways that I would have never pushed myself and it completely transformed my body and the way I feel about myself. Because of this program I consider myself an athlete for the first time in my life and am now finding new ways to challenge myself, including running, which I thought was impossible a year ago!
  • erinthom1984
    erinthom1984 Posts: 21 Member
    I just fished day 2 of T25. I really like it so far. If it helps you any, I weigh 275 and I get through the whole 25 min. I do a lot of the modified moves right now but I wont forever. I wasn't DEAD when I was done but between yesterday's and today's work out my body is sore. It's really not that bad!!!
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    I LOOOOOVE T25. It is work, but by no means is it undoable. I did insanity and that would kill me every time. This one is perfect, just the right amount of time to give you a really good full body work out. I recommend it anyone
  • kegan5
    kegan5 Posts: 45 Member
    I also started T25 and am now mid way through week 3 of Alpha.

    I get bored easily with workout routines but find this one quite fun, mixing up the workouts throughout the week really helps with the boredom (not that you have time to be bored).

    I love the moderator and try to push myself through the exercises but whenever i run out of steam I switch to the moderated version to keep going.

    I haven't taken any measurements but so far I've noticed the following:

    Day 1: I could do around 25 seconds of each movement before running out of steam, Day 16 - I can last the full minutes but still switch to moderated versions every 4/5 minutes for maybe 30 seconds to refresh and give my legs a break :)

    I also noticed I can now do full push ups, I could only ever do lady push ups before where you start on bent knees... I love the strength this gives me! Also feel a lot stronger and less arm wobble.

    I'm at a stage now where I feel my stamina is increasing and I want to put more work outs in with T25 but at present I'm unsure of which workout would compliment T25 if anyone has any ideas? I'm talking in the gym, a dvd, a dance class, yoga... anything that I could look into adding into my routine now :)