Operation Healthy Happy Bride

Hey, everyone! So I'm getting married on October 24, 2014. We just recently booked the venue and met with the wedding photographer and she was so surprised I hadn't tried on dresses yet. Honestly, I've been avoiding that until I lose a little more. I'm not just sweating for the wedding, though. I've been on this journey for a few years now, but I've flip-flopped a lo. I've lost a total of 35 pounds and I still have a bit to go. I'm doing this so I can fit into a beautiful wedding dress, of course, but the most important reason for this is so I can start my new life with my new husband as the healthiest version of me. I'm doing this for not only myself and my fiance, but also for our future children.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in July and although some days are insanely hard, I know I can do this. With only 8 months until my wedding, I'm more motivated than ever. It's time to start eating better and exercising more. Whose with me?!

If you're getting married or are going to be in a wedding, let's use this board to inspire and motivate each other. :)


  • ransok
    ransok Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm actually running a few challenges for brides like me that want to be in the best shape possible for their wedding, and to help handle stress along the way! Feel free to join my "Bridal Boot Camp" online event on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1449520008651418/

    I also have Crohn's disease and know how hard it can be with chronic illness getting in the way. That is amazing that you're fighting through the hard days and are so motivated to be healthier - healthy brides are happy brides!!!

    All the best :)
