Lent clean-up... would love a buddy!

Ah, so I haven't been great about my food diary lately... however, I am happy to report that I have been pretty great about my eating and exercise!

Growing up, Lent fasts were a big deal in my family, church and community. I'm not super religious these days, but I continue to see Lent as a great time to clean up your life and banish your demons, whatever they are. I'm pretty lucky: I'm at a weight I'm fairly happy with (although I'd love to drop about ten more lbs) I love to exercise, so don't have a problem sticking to that part, and I'm generally very happy with my life. However, the way I deal with food is not as healthy as it needs to be. I'm always fretting about "OMG, I ate this, and then later I ate that, WHAT IF I gain weight, I want to eat this, but can't/shouldn't..." You know what I'm talking about. This kind of thinking remains a serious stressor in my life.

So, that brings me to this year's Lent self-improvement project: I already know that I eat too much junk. Overall, my calories are usually in line, but too many of them are from sugar. I also know full well that I'm lactose intolerant, a fact that I conveniently choose to ignore more frequently than I'd like to admit. I've been a vegetarian for many years, but this year for Lent I'm going vegan, while concurrently jettisoning white flour and refined sugar. I've tried to be vegan in the past, but it was an epic failure b/c I filled up on waaay too much vegan junk. So this time, I'm doing it with a disclaimer: I will choose vegan options whenever feasible, at all times when eating at home, but in other circumstances, only as long as it's the healthiest option: i.e. no pile of french fries instead of a nutritious salad that has a little bit of low-fat cheese on it, etc.

I'd love to have a buddy or buddies also making a Lent promise related to health! I'll start posting in my diary again, and we can support each other on here. My husband and son both said thanks but no thanks! LOL.