Perplexed! Lost weight on vacay. Gained on return.

Been documenting food and workouts since Jan 1, 2014.

Recently went on vacation for a week and didn't work out. Didn't monitor myself on MFP. Ate within my normal range (until I was about full), with more booze than usual, some pasta, regular bread a few days, even cake (things I don't eat), and chip snacks on the airplane to and fro. So I added higher cal "bad" food items on the vacay and didn't measure a thing.

When I weighed myself a week later, the day I returned, I lose 4 pounds. A day later, start MFP and calorie count, weighted in and gained a pound, and now a week later still and I gained 3 pounds back. WTH.

I am perplexed. How did I lose 4 pounds on vacation, not counting calories and eating out and boozing more for a week?..and when I count calories and workout nothing solid transpires on the scale? (Lost 2 pounds in 2 months.) Any thoughts are appreciated.


  • Carolyn321SD
    Carolyn321SD Posts: 8 Member
    My first thought is that after travelling, especially between booze and plane travel, you may have been dehydrated without realizing.

    The gain since you returned may actually be the vacation food catching up to you, so to speak. I've totally been there myself.

    Please realize that water gain and loss is normal. I've seen 5+ pound fluctuations in a single day simply due to water or lack of water.

    I'd suggest sticking to weighing and logging your food, log your exercise, and shoot for the MFP recommended calories. Be consistent and you'll start seeing the scale consistently average towards a net loss.

    Good Luck!