Hey there

Just wanted to say hi to the community. I stumbled across this app and forum a couple weeks ago and really like the ability to track calories and get a clearer picture of daily nutrition.

I have been strength training on and off for quite a while. I have also been side tracked and not stayed on course with fitness a few times. In the last ten years I have completed three Body For Life "challenges" and like to use them to jump start my weight loss and get back in shape. It is a reliable tool I use to reshape my body, but I notice that I slowly gain weight after I complete the twelve week program. Hopefully this new way of looking at nutrition here at MFP will enable me to keep myself more fit and not need to go "extreme" every year to get in shape.

I'm currently in week 7 of my fourth BFL challenge and have lost nine pounds. My goal is to get down to 205 by June and then use a combination of MFP and strength training/cardio to go even further. I'm happy with my progress so far and look forward to asking some questions and learning some new things on my way to my goals.


  • FemmeFire
    FemmeFire Posts: 49
    Hey yourself!
    Feel free to add me. I'm a shift worker so I'm online at weird times. LOL