Struggling with the last 10lbs

JPotvin Posts: 108
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a mom of 2 who is trying to lose the last 10lbs of baby weight gain (past 6 months I no longer consider it baby weight...its now my weight). I have been measuring and logging everything I eat (no cheating and no picking off of my toddlers plate). I stay under my calorie goals set at 1200. I have been exercising a lot (a new thing for me) and have a HRM to accurately record my calories burned. I don't understand why after 21 days of doing this I have lost nothing. It is getting to the point where I don't want to eat any of my workout calories but I don't want to be hungry either. If anyone has any helpful suggestions, please let me know!


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    You need to not be eating below your 1200. And you should eat OVER once a week to reset your metabolism. My fiance and I eat one 'free' meal each week, without worrying about going over our daily goals.

    Oh, and eat back your exercise calories!
  • Eat more, and strength train. 1200 calories probably isn't enough if you're doing a bunch of exercise, your metabolism may have slowed down from not eating enough.
  • I concur. Perhaps need to eat more and change up your workout to include weights.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Eat more, and strength train. 1200 calories probably isn't enough if you're doing a bunch of exercise, your metabolism may have slowed down from not eating enough.

    I do the 30 Day Shred DVD 3 times a week, crunches daily, push ups daily, and carry my 17 pound baby for strength training. Are there more things I should be doings. I also run 3 days a week (2 while pushing the double jogger). I try to walk for an hour at least 3 other days a week pushing the jogger. On light days I burn about 250 calories, on higher days, 450ish.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is hard to lose the last 10 pounds. Try changing your goal to lose 1 pound per week, this will give you more calories to fuel your workouts. Also try to eat at least half of you exercise calories back. It sounds strange but you have to eat more to lose more.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Eat more, and strength train. 1200 calories probably isn't enough if you're doing a bunch of exercise, your metabolism may have slowed down from not eating enough.

    I do the 30 Day Shred DVD 3 times a week, crunches daily, push ups daily, and carry my 17 pound baby for strength training. Are there more things I should be doings. I also run 3 days a week (2 while pushing the double jogger). I try to walk for an hour at least 3 other days a week pushing the jogger. On light days I burn about 250 calories, on higher days, 450ish.

    But are you eating your exercise calories? I think that maybe you're body is in preservation mode...
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    From what I've seen, the last few pounds are stubborn and the best way is to eat more and work out more. Add 30 minutes of cardio somewhere, and lift weights if you aren't already or MORE weights if you already are. Keep being strict with your food, it'll come off.

    PS - Lifting your toddler is not enough. You need to be doing something to work ALL muscles. Picking up your child only uses so many muscles. You need to be working your abs, arms, back, butt, thighs, and legs. How often are you doing the Shred? You might just want to add one more day of that -- or if you're repeating it or have already finished it, try a different program.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I do eat some of them...usually about half.
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    You may need to adjust your activity level from less active to moderately active. You may be putting yourself in starvation mode if you are not eating enough to fuel it before workouts. Eat all your burned calories are you will not drop the weight, trust me I just broke through my plateau of 3 months. I had to adjust my workouts, push harder, strength train 2-3 times a week, eat back all my burned calories. I lost 6 lbs since then.

    Strength Training - Yoga, Pilates, lifting weights. Lifting weights combine with squats and lunges so you work the larger muscles at the small time as small ones, you get more bang for your buck that way.

    Try interval training with your jogger. Run/ Jog/ walk combos to shake things up. Don't do the same routines on the same days, you body will adapt to the pattern and you will get in a rut. check out this great website for stroller workouts. Even has video ones for you to download and use on ipod.
  • I am struggling to lose the last ten myself. I decided start eating at my maintenance calories for a few weeks. My hope was that when I started back eating at the calories deficit to lose 1 pound a week I could break the plateau. I just finished my first week back on program and I actually lost 2 pounds. I am waiting to see what happens next week. I would be happy with half a pound a week. Sometimes you have to play with the calorie number during your weightloss journey which is fine, 1200 calories might not be enough for you. You could try upping the calories a little or try eating back more of your exercise calories. It might take a couple of tries to get it right. Belieive me though the last few can feel like they are hanging on for dear life.
  • CHeMoTaCTiC
    CHeMoTaCTiC Posts: 41 Member
    You need to eat back the calories burned during exercise or you are just shutting your metabolism down. Try inching your calorie intake UP. Seriously. It worked for me when I hit a 2 week plateau. I had cut too much and wasn't eating enough on exercise days. I knew my metabolism was slowing because I was getting lightheaded during the day. Once I ate more I instantly felt better and the weight started coming off again.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Ok, Thanks everyone. The general consensus is eat a little more and strength train...I do think I am doing enough strength training...and don't want to bulk up (very easy to to at 5' tall). I think 3 or 4 days a week is sufficitent for that. Especially since I do it out of my home...not at the gym. Thanks so much!
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