Hi, I'm Lela

Hello and uh, well. Hi! I'm Lela and 21 yrs old and I've been on here for over a month now. I'm looking for some friends on here. To help motivate me and help motivate you too.

I actually don't know what my weight is. I don't have a scale, but last thanksgiving I weighed myself at my grandmothers and was shocked to see I was 289 lbs! I know, I really should get a scale... and recently I've been binging for the past few days because It's my time of the month. The food diary isn't looking so hot right now...

But I have good news! I got this random idea to try on my jeans that couldn't fit me a month ago and guess what? They fit!! I even tried on my cute shorts I had that couldn't fit me and they fit perfectly now!! Hopefully by summer they'll be too big for me! :D

This is a major motivation booster for me! I'm so happy with myself to get this far. :)

Anyway, I hope to find new friends and the weight I want to get too is 145 -142 lbs.


  • Hi Lela,
    Woo Hoo fitting into your jeans and the cute shorts! That is fantastic and a much better indicator of progress than the numbers on a scale. If you are happy being free of the dreaded scales - don't get any. They can bring you to tears if you put too much emphasis on them. Going by how your clothes fit is a much more satisfying means of judgement.
    Over the last few months I have burnt off enough fat to get back into a pair of jeans that had hidden in the back of the cupboard for years uncounted and so many of my trousers are going to need to be retired as they are too loose.
    Just keep on going the way you have been it will bring you the results that you really want.
  • mslela1
    mslela1 Posts: 4
    Hi GhostGirl! and Thanks! Yeah doing this without a scale feels like a breeze and fitting into clothes is like heaven on earth, but sometimes I wonder how much a weigh. I could get a scale and weigh in like once a month maybe. Just to keep a good record of progress. :)