Do you eat back your cardio cals?



  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    OP - are you asking because you are no longer losing eight on 1200 a day? Just curious about why you posted this question.

    I do eat back some of my exercise cals, whether from cardio or my weight training. Just recently avg out a 31 day period and found that while my calorie consumption does vary day to day (depending on hunger, special occasions, work out days, etc), my monthly average is actually about 1800/day. Oh, and I've lost 50 lbs so far. If you are feeling hungry (which is kind of sounds like you might be from your first post there), perhaps you actually need to up your calories. Certainly, with only 16 lbs to go until goal, you need to adjust your weekly goal from losing 2lbs/week to maybe .5-1lb/week. It's unrealistic to expect the weight to come off that quickly so close to goal.

    very intuitive - i'm actually struggling a bit, feeling pretty hungry. the days i weight train it's really pronounced, so i started making protein shakes after the work out, helped a little but i feel totally ravenous after weight training. then there's the unfortunate debacle with my scale ^ see above post. i actually have 20 lb to go but i can't bring myself to change my weight on MFP (i know i lost the weight because of how my clothes feel, but the starting weight was probably wrong) so now i have to wait until i really weight what it says before i start inputting my weight again. if that makes any sense.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I go by my weekly totals moreso than daily ones. On Zumba days, it's hard for me to even eat back half but on rest days, I almost always go a little over. It all averages out and I've lost 14 lbs in 10 weeks. I agree with the other posters that if you truely are only 16 lbs from your goal, a more reasonable calorie setting is .5 lbs per week.