Andrew Day 1

Hello everyone,

Each time I use this site I last a week or so and then stop keeping track. I never really use the community function so I figured I would give this a try and see if it helps. Also maybe I will be more accountable to myself if other people are reading what I am saying. Currently I am somewhere between 360-370 lbs and 5'8 and I am male. My body has been damaged by 8 years of ulcerative colitis which resulted in removal of my entire large intestine. Also I have factor V genetic mutation and had 2 blood clots hit my lungs. Both genetic diseases almost killed me. I survived with some luck and alot of help. Now what is killing me is my out of control weight. I am exhausted just moving and I will stop this suicide by food. (Strong words, but that is what it feels like I am unconsciously doing) My 1st goal is to get below 300 lbs again and increase my ability to function. To do this I must change my diet and cut out fastfood, attempt portion control, and workout. I am a compulsive over eater. My second goal is to hit 230 lbs and have a life altering surgery I have been wanting to have for the last 7 years. My final goal is to be in shape and hit 170 -180 lbs with a fair amount of lean muscle and have a flat stomach. I wanted to do 3 goals because going from 370 lbs to 170 seems like a huge undertaking and I want to feel like I am achieving and not get discouraged.

To help achieve my goal I am doing the following:

1. Tracking my caloric intake on this website.
2. Doing ddp yoga (just started today) doing 3 times a week to start then increasing)
3. Changing my diet (plan my meals so I don't just go to the refrigerator without an idea)
4. Setting a sleep schedule and stop staying up all night.
5. Seeing a therapist to deal with my compulsive over eating issues and anxiety.
6. Break the emotional eating connection (stop eating when I am mad, sad, happy. rewarded.)
7. Food is for energy, I eat to live, NOT live to eat.
8 Be determined. ( I have done this before 1 time when I was much younger, this will be hard, but I can do it again.)


  • Hey good luck buddy! Tracking food is very easy, make sure you invest in a decent food scale. Add cardio to your workout, yoga doesnt really burn calories. Follow a 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat as your diet you'll feel a lot healthier when you customize your own. Myfitnesspal is not fully accurate so beware! Also, if you'd like to live a healthier lifestyle go to They have great workout plan, meal plan, and overall health benefit articles! You can do it!