Good Morning!

Hello all!

I'm kind of new here. I've installed the app three times now and am finally committed to use it. I am very excited because yesterday I logged in absolutely everything I ate. For me, this was quite hard because I'm vegetarian. I had to add some of my recipes and I'm sure I'll have to add others as I go. Time consuming, but very much worth it. I'm currently in the beginning stages of the Master Cleanse. I will completely start on Monday, but for this week, I'm drinking the lemonade between breakfast and dinner. I am not eating after 6 pm. I usually drink nothing but water...besides currently drinking the Master Cleanse lemonade.

I'm working on two doctorates in natural medicine, so it's quite humbling for me to admit that I've been failing in my own life with my nutrition. Two years ago I was in the best shape of my life! I allowed some life events to let me get off track and have gained back all of the weight that I lost. I've gotten flabby and am very disappointed with myself. However, I'm done feeling sorry for myself and have decided to take back my life.

I'd love to get to know you all more!



  • nomoreyoyo67
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • TheVattz
    TheVattz Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, two doctorates? You are something awesome ^_^
    If you could work on two doctorates, you can DEFINITELY achieve your other goals.
    Best of luck and GO FOR IT!
    Feel free to add me.