21 Day Fix Challenge group



  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    What happens on the 22nd day ?

    LMAO!!! You either start another program or do something different. Its not heallthy to do the 21 DF consecutively, and it is not recommended. HOWEVER, you can use it when you want a boost to your metaolism or a jump start before starting another routine! I have it and I'm starting in 2 weeks when I finish the T-25 series (Which I HIGHLY recommend) I'll do the 21 DF, then go back to T-25 again. T-25 is a series you can do long term and over and over again.
    I like that its only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week (well, Friday is double but you can take Sat/Sun off)
    Using MFP with T-25 has been awesome. I eat clean now and have lost 16.4 lbs since I started T-25 on Jan 2oth. Thats over 2 lbs a week!

    Many in the test group for 21 day FIX opted to do consecutive rounds. It is okay if you go that way. It all depends on your goals. I myself am finishing my 2nd round with T25 (currently mixing in alternate days with les mills combat. Note skipped most of BETA to finish the last 4 weeks mostly with GAMMA). I started 21 day today and will be doing double days til I finish T25. The former is helping me learn even more about nutrition and I truly love the workouts. A good balance with the fast paced T25 and combat.
  • kallowat88
    kallowat88 Posts: 7 Member
    I Am on day 8 and doing well with it! Add me!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have it. Starting the first week of April
  • Dionip
    Dionip Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm looking for support while I challenge myself to stick to my diet control and exercise for the next 41 days. Can I accomplish it?
  • Torey486
    Torey486 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I know your post is from last month, but I also know 21 Day Fix was back-ordered and taking a long time to get shipped out.
    If you're still interested in joining a support group, I wanted to let you know that next Monday a friend and I are starting a Challenge Group on Facebook dedicated specifically to 21 DF (it'll be a closed, private group). We're all going to do it together, share recipes, keep each other motivated, etc. Let me know if you're interested: tks486@hotmail.com.
  • jordankarg
    jordankarg Posts: 1
    Hello All :)
    I'm starting my next 21 Day Fix challenge group on Monday if any of you lovelies would like to hop in ;)
  • bbgirl
    bbgirl Posts: 49 Member
    I just received mines yesterday. I'm starting on Monday too.
  • Semarshman
    Semarshman Posts: 19
    HI Everyone,
    I know I am late to this game, but am wondering if anyone has any 21day fix groups going on now? I am on day 4 of my 21 day fix, and I am really loving it. I really like how the eating plan is helping me to get the right foods, in the right amounts at the right times. I really struggle with that typically. (I don't normally eat enough veg, and I eat too much fat and carb.)

    I have made a commitment to myself to not weigh myself, or re-measure over the 21 days. I want to pay attention to all the great things I am learning and doing over the 21 days, instead of just paying attention to the number on the scale.

    Anyway, if anyone has a group going now, I would love to hear about it.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    It sounds pretty interesting
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    I started the program almost three weeks ago and in the first two weeks I lost 4 pounds. To me, that's a good number. I'm use to see less than a pound a week as a loss. The program helped me figure out portion control and how to spread out the food groups in the day. I use the containers (multiple of each color in a day) to portion it out and then dump it in a plate so that I can visually see it. I've never been hungry on the program. Sunday is the last day so I will weigh in again and see how many inches I lost these past three weeks. I know I had to have lost some inches since my clothes feel different. Friend me if you like.