New to MFP :)

Hi Everyone,

I am very new to this site and this is the first time i've tried anything such as this. Initially, I was not intending to post in forums or communicate, howver, seeming as how motivational people are, I figure there's no harm in extra motivation!

I've lost over 125 lbs at one point in my life (over 5 years ago) just by doing my own thing, not following any sort of plan. In the past few years i've gained back about 30-40 lbs, so I am committed to losing that. I've been pretty committed for the past week or so since i've started, however, not having as much success in the first week as I anticipated (i know it takes time...i am just overly anxious I guess, and in the past...usually the first week is where i've seen the biggest loss). I think i've come to the conclusion that I have been eating too little. I am not up to speed on TDEE and really need to find the time to undertand what that all means. During this past week, i felt pretty miserable. I wasnt hungry exactly....but...holy cranky. From reading other posts, I think i was too low on carbs, but not totally sure.

I am still going through the food planning and trying new things to see what works for me. Any tips, advice or just plain motivation would be so much appreciated!

It feels good to write about how im feeling!! :smile:


  • mzeskimo
    mzeskimo Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I lost 40 lbs about two years ago, and ended up gaining about 50 lbs last year. I've lost 10 lbs so far, but I still have some ways to go. I saw my doctor yesterday, and she mentioned something that I think I’m going try. She said that women are too focused on the scale, and that we should instead focus on dress sizes and physical appearance goals. I usually set weight loss goals only, but I think I’m going start doing measurement goals instead. I know I’m not losing much weight, but I notice that I’m losing inches. I’m going stick to measurement goals for now, and the scale will eventually catch up.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week! :)
  • dk50
    dk50 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, welcome know all ready what it's not going to take you long to start shedding those lbs. Sound's like you're on your way ...good luck on you're journey! Here for you hope your diary's helps to see what work's for others and log in daily good luck... Diane :smile:
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Welcome! :smile:
  • nomoreyoyo67
    HELLO! Feel free to add me! I have 50lbs, to lose!
  • samaydan1093
    Welcome. Im new too. I have about 60 lbs to lose. Ill probably be tryig visalus. Stillllll a bit unsure. Good luck, :)
  • SummerRain43
    hi there.....feel free to add me.....I've been here a long time and lost 50lb then gained back 12lb when I started lifting weights....looking to get those last few off....I am on here every day
  • canfitguy
    canfitguy Posts: 29 Member
    MFP has been a great tool in getting to where I want to be health wise and im pretty sure when you start putting the work in (logging daily and keeping up with your journal) you will see the results you are looking for!

    I am a daily logger and motivate all of my friends - feel free to add me if you wish.

    Best of luck on your journey & nice to see a fellow Canadian join : )