Questions about JM 30 Day Shred video

I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video since last Tuesday and I have a few questions that I hope can be answered.

1) Is it okay to have rest days? Or should you do it all consecutively without stopping? I took Saturday and Sunday off last week is that too much time off?

2) Does anyone know how many calories you burn or how to determine that? I'm 5'1" and about 155lbs.

3) I've heard people talking about their Polar HRM, I really need to invest in one of those but I have no idea which ones are better than the other, is that a good one (Polar)?

4) My legs and feet aren't exactly straight due to a birth defect when I try to do jumping jacks my knees KILL me, I mean, I can handle a little burning but my brain is screaming that doing JJ is a bad idea so I do butt kicks or jump ropes instead when she's doing JJ, according to Jillian there's no excuses to not be able to do a JJ, I beg to differ. Do you think taking those out of the workout will make that much of a difference?

5) Last question! haha The couple of days I did the video I was in PAIN but now it's gone away and when I do, say, situps, it doesn't burn anywhere near as bad as it did the first day. Is it still working?

I know these are probably stupid questions but I'm pretty new to workout videos and working out in general. So any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Of course it's OK to have a rest day. The goal is to get through the 30 days.. whether that's everyday or every other day, etc,. If you don't have a HRM, you can use Curves Circuit Training in MFP. The other circuit training calories burned are too high. It's wise to get a HRM (Polar makes great ones). I got one after I did 30 DS for two months because I wanted to have some idea of what I'm really burning.

    I don't think taking the high impact cardio moves out would hurt.. what I used to do when I had shin splints was do the boxing move. You can add heavy dumbbells to it.

    As for the last question, your body is just getting used to the workout.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    In the end, you need to do what is going to work best for you. If you want rest days, then take them, but I'd say no more than 2 per week. Try stretching and walking on your rest days so you're staying active. Personally, I couldn't get through 30 Day Shred.. first time I got food poisoning in the middle and quit, second time I got shin splints and quit, so kudos to you for keeping at it. I would log it in as Circuit Training on MFP. Look up online modifications for jumping jacks - do what works for you, not what JM is yelling at you. It's still working, but if you're not sore maybe it's time to up the intensity.