hey everyone!

Hi everyone! I just recently had my first baby & wish i would have listened to everyone when they said don't use pregnancy as an excuse to gain weight. I gained 55 lbs during pregnancy and man do i feel the difference in my back and how much energy i have. So i'm making it my goal to lose 30 lbs. I'm not setting a certain date for myself, but i'd love to lose it by the time next summer roles around so i can be comfortable once again in my swim suit! If any one has advice they would like to offer i would love to hear it! Good luck to all of you! xoxo


  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello there!!

    I had my son 4 1/2 years ago and during the pregnancy I gained a little over 50 lbs so I know the feeling. Take it day at a time and make small goals. It'll help everything drop off and without so much pressure on yourself!


    Katie (aka Kekibird)