How should I handle these calories?

I have read in several different articles that it takes 650 calories to make 25 ounces of breast milk. They suggest eating an extra 500 calories a day, then letting the other 150 calories come from fat stores. If you do that, it is said that you can drop 3-4lbs a month.
I exclusively pump for my daughter. I know exactly how much milk I make a day. I average about 25 ounces, with only an ounce difference once in a while.
I am currently 219.6lbs. My calories on MFP are set at 1640, to lose a pound a week.

My questions:
Should I leave my calories like that and just add in 500 calories a day(or 20 calories per ounce that I produce that day)? (2140)
Should I set my calories at maintenance level, then add 500 calories to THAT?(2640)
Should I set my calories to 2290, which would be Maintenance(2140)+breast feeding(650)-500(calorie deficit to lose 1lb a week)?

I know that this seems confusing. It's really confusing to me. I'm hoping that someone will point out that I am making it too difficult. lol I lost 100lbs in 2011 by working out and cutting calories. I really had to be specific with my calories. If I faltered, I gained. I know that once I get to my goal range, I won't care if I fluctuate between a few pounds. I just need to be steady with the numbers, now.

I have my activity level set pretty low. I have a high maintenance 10 month old that doesn't really allow for workout time. Once the weather gets less crappy, I'll be walking and biking with her.

Any suggestions will greatly help!


  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Rather than defaulting to MFP settings, I highly suggest figuring out some basic information about your body - namely, your BMR (basic metabolic rate) & TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). To do this, you can use the following links:

    In order to lose weight at a safe, sustainable rate set your intake goal to a 10-20% "cut" of TDEE. The higher the cut, the faster you will lose - but faster loss can also negatively impact supply, so be careful! Never, ever EVER eat below your BMR. This is the amount of calories your body needs to function if you are comatose - lasting damage can occur by cutting below this number (Including destroying your metabolism, which is where the "I'm eating 1200cal & maintaining?!" people come in. Don't go there.)

    The breastfeeding bit is actually really easy - add the number of calories to your final number. In fact, you can even leave your goal intake the same & log breast feeding as a negative calorie "food" if you prefer!
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    That sounds about right to me. When I was still nursing, I couldn't eat below about 2000 without turning into a ravening beast.

    I would try the 2290 and see how it goes. Don't worry about the exercise - it will come to you when it comes to you. The vast majority (80% is what keeps getting trotted out) of weight loss is due to nutrition. Get a handle on that, and the rest will fall into place.
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    Okay, so maintenance is 2140 without nursing. You dont want to effect milk production, my suggestion is to eat ate maintanence + 250.
    You still have some weight to go and if you find you are very hungry you can bump it up. If you dont lose any yu can drop it down.
    I never lost a ton breast feeding. Some bodies want to hold weight to make sure the milk has enough fat.

    So, i have nursed four kids, and at is my experience and opinion. To avoid messing up supply do not go below maintenance for a while. Then play with it.
    Your reg maintenance cals minus Bfing cals should equal a slow healthy loss without messing with supply.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I would never eat too few calories. I know how that can affect you. Feeding my daughter is my priority. I know that I probably can't lose a ton of weight would I'm nursing. I'm just tired of gaining. I'm just trying to find a happy medium, I guess. Lol

    Thank you ladies! You actually helped out tremendously!