No such thing as a "stupid reason"

Hello, this is my second week using MFP, but my first time actually taking part in the community. I just wanted to take this opportunity to help any of those who are looking to get fit as well.

Back in my early college years, I use to be an avid cosplayer (one of those nerds who dress up at conventions). I was pretty fit and active in high school, so I looked pretty darn good in costume. Well, I let myself go after joining the military (and exiting) and I went from 130 in college to 212 in December, 2013. There's an anime convention coming in July and I decided I wanted to cosplay as Little Mac from Nintendo's Punch Out. Well, I didn't want to give anyone the chance of making fun of me behind my back, calling me "Big Mac" or "Mc and Cheese", etc. This led me to start working out again and actually counting my calories. I've gone from 212lbs to 194 in less than a month! And I did this not by starving myself, but by doing interval training (Insanity) and watching what I eat. I still eat three times a day, with healthy snacks in between. I've stopped eating at midnight and I've stopped having 2nd dinner!

At first, I thought it was a stupid reason to start losing weight. But I was convinced that there is no stupid reason for trying to get fit, as long as I understand the main reason for all of this: to be healthy. Hopefully I can continue eating healthy and I wish everyone good luck on their fitness goals, no matter how large or small and no matter what reason they have!