Only seem to be building muscle on my upper body?

Hi guys so starting working out in January with the 30 Day Shred and C25K. In week three though I developed shin splints meaning I couldn't really do anything for a month. Was able to start again recently and am now half way through level 2 of the shred (rest days and college getting in the way mean it's taking longer than two weeks like I planned). Since January I've lost almost 7 lbs and built more muscle. Thing is all the muscle seems to be in my upper body. I notice massive changes in my arms while the rest of me seems the same. I understand fat loss can be uneven but I thought if you did work outs which target all over you would gain all over?

I know diet is a major factor as well and I'll admit I've began to return to bad habits but if diet is at fault wouldn't I just not be building any muscle at all? I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

Edit: Whoops have managed to post this in the wrong place but can't find a way to delete it. If a mod can move it that would be great.