Anyone just dieting (not working out)



  • Christinelmt78
    When I used MFP two years ago I didn't workout, just cut my calories and I did lose 10 lbs.. I was a full time student and a mother of two so between all the studying and my kids, I didn't have time.. So,yes I did lose it without working out
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    I don't work out now because of health problems, bad knees, bad back, etc. but I look at it as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Makes me feel better to eat like normal but use portion control, meals with protein, vegetables & fruits & if I have extra calories to use to make my 1320 calorie daily limit I'll eat something sweet or chocolate. You want to get as close to your daily calorie goal & try to limit too many processed foods which has a great deal of flour & sugar. I have just started back using MFP again after a long absence and in 2 weeks I've lost 8 lbs. so it's seems to be working for me without exercise. When my back spasms subside I plan to gradually get back to doing stretching exercise & riding my stationary bike.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    I encourage you to keep doing what is working for you now.

    I try to be careful with general statements but I think I am on relatively safe ground to say many people either agree or see that a incremental approach to health and well being is a great method to build long lasting habits. If this for your is diet and "not working out" then get the diet under control until it becomes habitual.

    Your diet (and here I use this as a noun not a verb) is a BIG part of the equation to the weight loss equation (now this is where you need to remind yourself that you want Fat loss not weight loss) - what people are concerned with is "use it or lose it" your body will use muscle as an energy source if it is not being used - so dieting alone will impact towards loss of lean muscle. In reality you probably are working out to some degree - it does not sound like you are lounging on your couch eating carrots to get thin - your body will shape itself to the energy (deficit or excess) and to what activities you currently do - Housework, running the kids around, weekend activities etc.... You may be more active than you realize?

    Anyhow I have dieted without "working out" and do not regret this for one moment. At that time I was absolutely ecstatic with what I achieved. This approach was right for me then and was all I could really cope with at that time of my life. Now I want a more more athletic look and feel so I am watching what I am eating with exercise.

    So what I am saying is stick with what is working for you be aware there are many (oh so many) options be at the very least aware of these and when you feel inspired then act and to do something towards this.
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    I wasn't exercising but recently joined the gym and love it! I'd recommend it whole heartedly and the difference is amazing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?

    I'm just too busy. I mean I walk about 3-4 miles a day, to the bus and around my office but that's it. I don't like lifting weight or running. I also just don't like being sweaty as it makes my rosacae act up

    Walking is exercising.
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    Then you ARE exercising if you are walking 3-4 miles a day. You should take that into consideration & log what you do walk. You may not be eating enough calories.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?

    This. Not trying to shove the work out and eat less approach down your throat, but there's numerous health benefits outside of weight loss from working out and it really doesn't take much time each week to see said benefits.


    And I'm fascinated by people who intentionally do no exercise whatsoever (barring injury, of course...and even then, that they wouldn't work around it). I'm not saying that everyone has to spend an hour+ in the gym every day, but *zero* exercise? Not even an occasional long walk?

    ETA: Daily walking = exercise. I knew I should have read both pages before posting...
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I get what you're saying, I see quite the rollercoaster of progression in the weight room while cutting, however, you're not doing your lifting numbers any favors by continuing to lose LBM while you are in a deficit. Might as well do whatever you can to try to increase LBM retention while you're cutting so that you're ahead of the game when you want to maintain or even bulk.

    I haven't lifted at all yet, so my numbers aren't hurting as I don't have any. Part of doing it right is establishing a positive routine, I think I will have a lot of difficulty sticking with a routine that sees my strength decreasing, which is a big part of it. I will start lifting before I bottom out on weight, and I'll probably spend some time at nogainz, but I want to minimize that time.
    this makes no sense
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I did it that way. I had no real choice because health issues, but I still regret it. I lost a lot of muscle that I'm still trying to get back a year and a half after reaching my goal weight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I get what you're saying, I see quite the rollercoaster of progression in the weight room while cutting, however, you're not doing your lifting numbers any favors by continuing to lose LBM while you are in a deficit. Might as well do whatever you can to try to increase LBM retention while you're cutting so that you're ahead of the game when you want to maintain or even bulk.

    I haven't lifted at all yet, so my numbers aren't hurting as I don't have any. Part of doing it right is establishing a positive routine, I think I will have a lot of difficulty sticking with a routine that sees my strength decreasing, which is a big part of it. I will start lifting before I bottom out on weight, and I'll probably spend some time at nogainz, but I want to minimize that time.
    this makes no sense

    Agreed. I don't understand how doing strength training would decrease your strength :huh:
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I walk about 3-4 miles a day, to the bus and around my office but that's it. I don't like lifting weight or running.

    Walking is exercise. You can go happily along eating at a deficit and walking 3-4 miles a day and you will lose weight easily.

    At some point you will want to include some form of resistance exercise to your routine in order to help preserve your lean body mass. If you eat at a deficit not all of the weight you lose will be fat, some will be muscle. Doing some form of resistance exercise will help you to preserve your muscle. If you use it, you won't lose it.

    You do not have to lift weights if that is not your thing. Check out for bodyweight exercises that will help you to retain your lean body mass.
  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    I use swimming as my chosen form of exercise. To me, it does not even feel like exercise. It is just really relaxing. I do it in the evening, then by the time that I get home, I am so relaxed and ready for bed. I do add weight training in about 3 days a week. But, I even follow that up with at least 30 minutes of swimming. Makes your muscles feel so good after all the lifting.
  • needtochange2014
    For now I am just counting calories, though I do yoga and meditation for at least 20 minutes. I bought an elliptical machine, but it seems every time I use it I injure my left knee / thigh or lower back (tailbone issues+ big butt), then I'm in pain and unable to even walk around for a couple days. Walking is the best option in the beginning, but it's hard to do because of where I live. I'm hoping to lose more weight so the risk of injury is less, then start an exercise regimen. Excuses, excuses. I used to cycle every weekend when I lived near a trail. I hope to do that again someday, though I need to invest in a new bike. Best of luck with whichever method you choose.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    Like everyone else: Walk!! Try at least 20 minutes in one stretch at a brisk pace, like around 2-3 blocks. If you have small children-get a dvd or search Youtube for a children's exercise video like dancing, jumping and swing movements and do it with them. They will love it that you are doing it with them.
    You don't need to drastically change your life, but movement is healthier for your heart, your joints, you circulation, and mentally refreshing.
  • CrabCatcher
    CrabCatcher Posts: 30 Member
    I am not working out. Why, because I don't have to . . . yet. I am losing weight just by modifying my diet. So why spend time in a stinky old gym?
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    I am not exercising weight loss is progressing just fine.I plan on starting an exercise routine soon,trying to concentrate on one change at a time...its working for me...Do what's best for YOU.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    For my first 3 weeks I think I only worked out twice. I just found it daunting and really impossible to do a complete overhaul of my lifestyle all at the same time. So I basically dieted only for that time, and I've since starting going a few times a week (2-4). If I don't make it though I'm not going to be overly upset as long as I stay reasonably close to my weekly caloric goal (which is very low considering I'm totally sedentary really). I see exercise as a way to eat more. Which, admittedly I prefer 1500 - 1600 calories to my allotted 1320, lol.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Exercise no matter how small is really good for you. Sometimes I only lift once a week sometimes 3 it depends on how busy I get. Once you do it and after some weeks in you see your body changing you will wonder why you didnt include exercise from the start. You dont really need to do cardio seeing how you walk so much in your day to day but try to do some resistance or weight or body weight exercises. Before bed try to knock out a few squats pushups etc.. Lots of really quick no equipment exercise routines available on pinterest to get you motivated. It doesnt have to take hours in the gym to see results.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Agreed. I don't understand how doing strength training would decrease your strength :huh:

    Lifting while cutting, the BEST you can do is maintain, you can't really gain. Given how far I have to go on weight loss and how long it will take it's unlikely, though not impossible, for me to be able to maintain the entire time.