Gone too far?

Just looking for some hope I guess that I have at least some slim chance of finally being happy with my body.

I reached 308lbs and a size 26/28 by the time I was 22. I feel like I pushed my body too far and I have ruined any chances of it 'pinging back' despite my youth. I have lost 74lbs and got another 70 odd to go. At the moment while I am in clothes I look so much better. Underneath is where the problems lie. I honestly look like I have the body of a 60yo woman. Its horrible. I am so saggy I cant see my body ever being able to recover itself properly without resorting to surgery. Im not totally in love with the idea of surgery due to the risks it carries and I have a little one to think about. Just dont want to believe my body is never going to look like I think it should.

Has anyone else thought this and had a nice surprise at the end?


  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Lifting heavy weights will bring you surprising and pleasant results.

    There will, however, always be a risk of loose skin, depending on how overweight you were to begin with, and how fast you lose it. There is nothing really to be done about that except to give it time, or, in more extreme cases, surgery.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    wow! you've done so well - congrats on your loss so far!

    For me, I lost a lot of weight slowly in my early 20s and fortunately genetics was on my side so I don't have a lot of saggy skin. BUT, breastfeeding a baby has left the 'girls' looking pretty sad :( but that's ok, they kept my bubba alive for so long and DH still loves them!

    I do have some saggy skin that forms a crease on my lower stomach, and I don't think it will ever go away. I've made my peace with it (and the giant varicose vein on my leg). The thing that has completely transformed my body is heavy lifting - this has helped more than anything.

    just keep going hun x
  • Dragonslayer183
    Dragonslayer183 Posts: 70 Member
    Loose skin is totally normal when losing weight. Stay hydrated, do strength training to tighten up your skin, and give it time. I don't know if it will look perfect anytime soon, but it will get better.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    wow! you've done so well - congrats on your loss so far!

    For me, I lost a lot of weight slowly in my early 20s and fortunately genetics was on my side so I don't have a lot of saggy skin. BUT, breastfeeding a baby has left the 'girls' looking pretty sad :( but that's ok, they kept my bubba alive for so long and DH still loves them!

    I do have some saggy skin that forms a crease on my lower stomach, and I don't think it will ever go away. I've made my peace with it (and the giant varicose vein on my leg). The thing that has completely transformed my body is heavy lifting - this has helped more than anything.

    just keep going hun x

    I am breastfeeding my little girl. It has definately made them more saggy than they were before. I know I probably have no hope of recovering them as they were never really perky to begin with, just kind of grew in saggy. I would like to have toned upper arms and not too much loose skin on my belly. Dont know if thats asking too much though.

    So annoyed at myself. Really cant understand why I let it get that bad before I did something about it.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    But you ARE doing something about it now! And look how far you have come!

    Let go of what has happened and focus on what you can do in the future!

    One day I might treat myself to a boob job lol - if only they were painless....I'm a bit of a wimp!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    wow! you've done so well - congrats on your loss so far!

    For me, I lost a lot of weight slowly in my early 20s and fortunately genetics was on my side so I don't have a lot of saggy skin. BUT, breastfeeding a baby has left the 'girls' looking pretty sad :( but that's ok, they kept my bubba alive for so long and DH still loves them!

    I do have some saggy skin that forms a crease on my lower stomach, and I don't think it will ever go away. I've made my peace with it (and the giant varicose vein on my leg). The thing that has completely transformed my body is heavy lifting - this has helped more than anything.

    just keep going hun x

    I never breast fed and mine look like sagging torpedoes!!!! My hibby loves them and I want to get a lift!!! LOL!