Muffin top

A few weeks ago I realized the only pants I fit in now had holes in them, not wanting to waste money on new jeans when I am still trying to lose I bought a pair of Jeggings to hold me over until I got down a bit more. I grabbed a size medium being hopeful, they fit my butt and thighs like magic but gave me pretty serious muffin top, oh well that's what oversized tshirts are for.
Fast forward to this morning, I was in a hurry, I was running late, and I pulled on the Jeggings right before I rushed out the door. Not before stopping in front of the bathroom mirror long enough to notice that my muffin top is widdling down to nothing, it's there but just barely. Work may suck today, but my day is going pretty amazing knowing even if the scale isn't moving my muffin top is.


  • Congratulations!

    I'm having real trouble with mine but it's good to know that even when the number doesn't budge we're still changing.
