27 days (post includes eating disorder)

Hey everyone,

I'm 25, I've struggled with an eating disorder for 8 years. For 4 years I was bulimic and hadn't kept any food down. I was completely terrified to actually. It took my readiness, but I am now 27, and counting eating healthy, exercising, and finally not risking my health and life for skinniness. I started out at 145lbs, and ended up being 90lbs 2 years ago. My skin turned grey from being so malnourished, and I kept using bulimia as my device to be thin, even though I was slowly killing myself. After that I kept my weight at 100lbs. Now I am 110, and although I'd rather be smaller my fight is to realize my inner beauty, and love myself for my health and not a number. I chose this app however because I like tracking things, and seeing them on paper. Tidiness. ;) If there is anyone who has anything like this in their life, let's be friends. It's good to have a community of support around you to access your (healthy) goals. All my love and support to everyone. Keep working those muscles and loving yourself. You deserve it!

