New to MyFitnessPal

I am 23 years old. I was always a heavier set kid and in high school I did sports and lifting and was thin and muscular. After college I had to take some medicine to correct a problem and the side effect included weight gain and loss of motivation. I ballooned up to 300 pounds in less than a year. I am right around 6'1- 6'2. Trust me it showed. I was 20 years old almost 21 when I was 300 and it wasn't good for me or my self image. I started working with a personal trainer back in 2011. I did it for a couple months and was not into the program at all. I did lose some weight but I was still unhappy. I took it upon myself to eat healthier. 1.5 years later in late 2013 my efforts paid off. I had lost 70 pounds. I joined my fitness pal here a little while ago and am now on an exercise routine, lifting program and healthier diet all monitored by myself. Since I have joined here I have lost 2.5 pounds in a week. I am sorry I have not found this sooner.