Best way to skip an insanity workout?

Hey all. I just started Insanity on Monday (and so far majorly kicking my butt, ouch) but tonight I am just not feeling well. I had a 14 hour day at school unexpectedly so I wasn't properly nourished and now I'm suffering my major fatigue and headache. I know it sounds kind of excuse-y but I figure I won't be doing myself a favour to make me sick and not give the workout my all. So my question is how is the best way to skip it and stay on track? My rest day would typically be Sunday. The options I've thought of are:

1. Skip tonight's workout and do it tomorrow morning, followed by tomorrow's regular workout in the evening. So just do both in one day and make up for it.
2. Skip and make Wednesdays my rest day.
3. Push through and just try and possible make myself feel worse.

Making my rest days Wednesdays would actually work out well for me. If I do this will it mess things up?

Also, before everyone comments and tells me not to just because I may lose motivation, no worries please. I'll get back into it. I just want to know the best way.


  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    How about just skipping the workout and picking up tomorrow as regularly scheduled?
  • Use your rest day as a workout day. If you aren't feeling well tomorrow, use your second rest day as well.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Just skip today and carry on as usual starting tomorrow. Some times you need to listen to your body and take an extra day off.
  • erickog07
    erickog07 Posts: 8 Member
    id say it depends if u have the fit test coming up or not if u do id say just continue as normal because u don't want to work out on sunday then when u do the fit test on Monday you'll be somewhat tired from the day before
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    I started Insanity, did 3 weeks and got really poorly with flu (not just a cold but stay in bed 5 days, barely moving apart from crying with the horribleness of it) and was still not well enough to go to school and then come home and do a workout so I had two weeks off (and the thur and fri workouts on the week before I admitted defeat we not top dollar either) and then started back up where I left off. I'm now on last week of month two (starting tomorrow). It's certainly best to listen!