Mommy lost 50lbs---now pass the bacon! =)



  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    awesome loss!!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Well done. I'd say it's time to put the scale away and start slinging more heavy weights.

    You look great as you are, why bother losing more just to make a number?
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks again, all! I do lift 2-3 times a week with compound lifts to failure and I am very happy with the progress! I definitely say lifting is what made the biggest difference for me, especially when it came to slimming my arms/legs =) I am just overwhelmed by all the compliments and I truly look forward to hearing/commenting on all your stories to come!
  • Othelie157
    You look great!
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
  • amyrllin1
    amyrllin1 Posts: 34 Member
    You look amazing! Great job. I imagine it was not easy to get out of the house to lift weights with 5 little ones.

    Can you tell me what the "ketogenic" diet is?
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Thank you! I guess I should clarify that I am on keto now (in my 7th week of a 12 week cycle) but I did NOT lose all 50 lbs through keto or any other method except calorie deficit. In the last 2 years, I have done the following to lose the weight:
    -I started like everyone else on MFP's recommended 1200 calories (I ate oatmeal and 2 lean cuisine meals a day---not a happy mama so I upped it to 1400-1600 pretty fast!)
    -Intermittent Fasting (love it---still try to get a 12 hour fast in and will up it to 16 after I'm done nursing, I used this in conjunction with whatever my cal goal is)
    -Carb Cycling (alternating high cal/carb (1850 cal/200g carb for me) with low(er) cal/carb (1450cal/100-125g carb) also love this method b/c it gives me more fuel for my lifting/biking and I can hit big carb numbers on work days)
    -IIFYM (this is my preferred method to use with IF and carb cycling)
    -Keto (high fat, low carb, mod protein, still using 1650 every day just to give my body a break from the carb cycling it's used to)

    My exercise consisted of the following:
    -started with wimpy weights, high reps and spin classes---lost about 10lbs but got burnt out fast due to my Lean Cuisine/1200 madness
    -switched to heavy lifting with deadlifts, squats, benches, overhead presses. 2-3x week.----saw MUSCLE but still covered by fat
    -got pregnant, focused more on my stationary biking and leg press/lateral pulldowns/chest press machines
    -after the last pregnancy, got back into heavy lifting, only I would term it moderate lifting (I bench/OHP about 45-50 b/c anymore makes my wrists hurt) and I only squat about 60lbs due to knee issues but I do about 15-20 reps.
    -I have maintained my biking (cardio) throughout, always switching from 30 min, 45 min, 60 min, 90 min and now I do 3 hour bike rides, at least 4 rides a week. I switch it up depending on if I feel my body has gotten too comfortable and how I feel that day =)
    -I got that fitbit zip for Christmas and I LOVE it! I love having the goal of 10,000 steps and it has increased my TDEE a ton just by making me move my *kitten* more. Plus I clip it on my sock for bike rides so those count as steps =) If a person didn't want to count calories, THAT is the number one change I would recommend.

    TL;DR: I am not a person who thinks that any way is the RIGHT way. Calorie deficit with equal amounts of strength training/cardio wins every time. How your tummy (mine is sensitive to wheat/dairy) and your energy feel may vary, but your weight loss won't. I also subscribe to something that I read here once (maybe from ninersbuff?) that, if you hit a weight loss stall, there are 7 methods to break it and they are all contrary to one another. I have probably done all of them via switching up exercise/diet to get me to the next 5 lbs. I would have never lost all 50 (and not gained it back) if I wasn't afraid of trying new things, listening to my body and being open to the various methods of my hero, Lyle McDonald =)

    Like I said, I am open to friend requests and messages about specific questions----hopefully I don't disappoint with my answers =)
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    P.S. I lift out of my own house. I got on craigslist, bought a barbell and plates, bought some Reebok adjustable dumbbells (don't recommend those, mine just broke, damnit!!!!) and watched youtube videos to learn form, checked by 1 session with a personal trainer. I also bought a spin bike off of craigslist (for $100---score!) and I do my biking in front of the TV, with outdoor rides with the weather is nice and I'm not pregnant, lol.

    No gym necessary, although I have been a member of one for about 1 out of the 2 years =)
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is truly inspiring and helpful! :flowerforyou:
  • Patty1015A
    Patty1015A Posts: 79 Member
    You have done an awesome job! So impressed!
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