*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 234 Member
    Ten years ago, I lost 60 lbs. I am 5' 3" and went from 200 lbs. to 140 lbs. I worked out 5 times a week, doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting every day. I did this for two years and kept the weight off. I discovered that I build muscle quickly when I lift and kind of got a kick out of being able to lift more than some of the smaller guys. I felt wonderful, wore a size 10 jeans, had tons of energy and could curl 25 lbs. with one hand. I felt like superwoman! The worst things that people said to me at the gym: From a personal trainer; "Oh you don't want to build muscle, you need to do more cardio and lose 20 lbs or you are going to look like a body builder." From other people at the gym: "Wow, you have back muscles! Are you sure you want to do that?" "Oh me and my girlfriends have decided to help you with your workout because you are going to get too muscular." Why is it that people feel free to comment on your body shape, your workout, your weight, etc. in the gym? I would NEVER to do that to someone else because it's rude. It got so bad that I quit going to the gym completely, gained all of the weight back and am now trying to lose it again. I will go back to the gym one of these days. I need to work on my comeback lines though so I can shut people up when they make stupid comments. Any suggestions?
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Person: Wow you look great! What have you been doing?
    Me: I track my food and eat at a deficit and I make sure I hit the gym 5-6 times a week.
    Person: **Silence** (Obviously upset that I didn't give them some sort of miracle pill/diet/shake answer)

    Hahaha, people always want the "I tried the <insert name> diet!"

    When you tell them "hard work and dedication", they're like "Oh, I guess that means there's no hope".
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Person: Wow you look great! What have you been doing?
    Me: I track my food and eat at a deficit and I make sure I hit the gym 5-6 times a week.
    Person: **Silence** (Obviously upset that I didn't give them some sort of miracle pill/diet/shake answer)

    Hahaha, people always want the "I tried the <insert name> diet!"

    When you tell them "hard work and dedication", they're like "Oh, I guess that means there's no hope".

    I think a lot of that may be people don't know what that means... I just started a post early because I had no idea what the technical meaning of "eat at a deficit was"......
  • fizzanda
    fizzanda Posts: 10 Member
    Ok ladies....it has to be...oh girl, you look good for having 4 kids!!! If I hear that one more time I'm seriously gonna blow! :mad:

    I get that all.the.time I know it's a compliment of sorts.... But why "for having for kids?" why not "you look good."

    I hate that people think that because I am smaller than them, I don't need to lose weight or I am healthy... Truth is we could both lose a little weight ;)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Real questions asked:

    "Did you get weight loss surgery?" (no)

    "You cutting out all fried foods?" (hell no)

    "Oh you can still drink on your diet???" (lololol eff yes)

    "Are you f***ing with blow" (lol no)

    Most people just ask how I did it - and when I tell them count calories/macros - their eyes just glaze over and conversation is over.

    This is how it goes down for me too. Exactly!

    I have an acquaintance who is trying to lose about 80 lb. She started on Jan 1st and has only lost 4 lb. She KILLS herself with daily workouts but still eats the same food as her husband and son. She says counting calories is just too tedious. And she's eating "well" because she no longer goes back for seconds and doesn't salt her food.

    The salting-your-food comment gets me. I occasionally get further into a discussion with friends (who ASK ME) about tracking my sodium. They ALWAYS say "well I don't have a prob with that, I never salt my food". Yep, your Chick-Fil-A for lunch and Pizza Hut for dinner has no salt since you didn't use the shaker...WAT!?

    (FTR I eat fast food, fried, etc...just think that is hilarious)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was back at my old office last week. My coworkers had not seen my since last October....which was when I started my journey to better health. Everyone was very amazed and giving me hugs etc.

    I was there for a three day training so our lunches were brought in. One of the desert items one day was pound cake and strawberries.

    Coworker as she walks by me with her plate of cake and strawberries raising it like she is giving a toast.... "I am having some in your honor"
    Me: "Oh, I have already had some."
    Look on her face... PRICELESS...as I explained to her, "I still eat...I just eat less of it...but thank you for thinking of me."

    I LOVE that. The other night I was talking to a friend about weight loss and she could not believe I'd just had pizza and a Cadbury egg for dinner. Granted, it was a healthier pizza and homemade...but still!
  • lizzumsbb
    I got this from a 400+ person,he is a chef,
    Chef:"you should give me a try,I will give you a meal plan to lose weight!"
    Me:face palm!!!is there a mirror in your house?
    I didnt say that!lol

    Some people have the knowledge though, they just can't apply it to their own lives. Like me, because I'm a fussy eater, I won't eat loooads of fantastic foods. :B

    "I can't believe you weigh that much! I didn't think you were that fat!"
    "You look the same to me, you're not trying hard enough"
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    My daughter went and visited family, I had to work and didn't get to go. She was showing them pics of me and talking about the weight I have lost (40 lbs) and they asked her if I was doing drugs. :grumble: :noway:

    edited for spelling.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I just get the typical ..... " you have lost to much weight"
    and THEN if I gain like 10lbs.... " are you still going to the gym.. think it would be good for you"

    :indifferent: :indifferent: make up your mind
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I get two comments that drive me crazy. For the first question it is the type of reaction that drives me crazy.

    Question: How have you been able to lose weight?

    Answer: Well I have been studying up on nutrition, logging my food and going to the gym 4-6 times a week consistently.

    Sane response: that is great, so what gym/logging site/books are you using? (genuine interest)

    Crazy reaction: no comment at all but very disappointed look on his/her face

    (It is so obvious that this latter person is deeply upset that I didn't say "well, I have been taking this pill everyday and eating everything in sight while watching TV 24/7".

    The other comment that drives me crazy comes from other women who are also on the busty side: "We curvy girls are not meant to be stick figures and can't lose weight". I find this really silly. Of course, I have known since I was 13 that no one is going to tell me I have a boyish figure but when my arms are flapping, muffin top is emerging and my waist no longer is the classic hourglass small it means I need to lose weight - period. Hourglass and volumptous do not equal = fat. This is a body type not a definition for overweight. However, I never respond rudely and just say something like "will I am feeling healthy and happier".
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    Person: Wow you look great! What have you been doing?
    Me: I track my food and eat at a deficit and I make sure I hit the gym 5-6 times a week.
    Person: **Silence** (Obviously upset that I didn't give them some sort of miracle pill/diet/shake answer)

    ^^^^ THIS!!!!!

    The other one is " You are getting too skinny." Or "Eat a sandwich." or "You don't need to lose weight, you look fine."
    It's either, "so you can eat whatever you want since you work out rite?" or the "You can't have that, this or that, rite?"

    My all time favorite is the 200+ lbs over weight women clucking over their fast food about what they should and shouldn't eat and how to work out...
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    "Isn't that kind of annoying/obsessive/a waste of time to track EVERYTHING you eat?"

    "You worry about that too much."

    Um, no. I'm not worried about it, I actually enjoy it. I LIKE to see how certain foods affect me. If eating at a different time affects me. Making sure I eat enough calories, not making sure I don't eat too many.
  • dbritt07
    dbritt07 Posts: 17 Member
    This woman at the gym counter several years ago when I was joining and had to get my photo ID for their system taken: She said "Say SKINNY!" (instead of cheese). I thought that was such an *kitten* comment to make but took me completely off guard.

    More recently, an older man at the gym looked at me one day and said: "If you keep it up, you too will be thin one day, I lost 89 pounds". he said. To which I replied "Thanks but I've been working out my entire life so this isn't new to me and but the weight gain is fairly recent". Adding, I was recently diagnosed with a medical condition contributing to it but again, Thanks".

    I guess I just don't get what gives people especially strangers a free license to make any comments to someone that they don't know. Blows me away at the ignorance in our society.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I went to visit two of my friends who are living together and got the "OMG YOU ARE SO SKINNY HERE EAT A CHEESEBURGER" response from one. The other one told me I was her motivation to go to the gym and eat better.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Favorite quote from a co-worker about diet. Ever. I did a juice cleanse for something like 7-8 days, just fresh squeezed juice.

    She comes up to me, with a broken leg from doing something stupid, drunken and redneck, her lips wrapped around this gross looking burrito, chewing with her mouth open, smacking her lips: "Dude, juicing is, like, the most unhealthy thing you can do."

    Says the woman with the broken leg and burrito...

    Update and true story: after juicing, I never once broke my leg!
  • mariepreston1995
    When people say "I wouldn't eat that. It's fattening". I feel like screaming "No, it's not because it fits in my macros!!!"
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    Person: Wow you look great! What have you been doing?
    Me: I track my food and eat at a deficit and I make sure I hit the gym 5-6 times a week.
    Person: **Silence** (Obviously upset that I didn't give them some sort of miracle pill/diet/shake answer)

    This exactly. I have this conversation more often than anything else.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Random Person: "You look great! What have you been doing?"
    Me: "Lifting weights."
    RP: "Aw. :( I thought you were trying ______________ diet."
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    "Oh, you're working out? Cool. What do you do? Just that? 30DS, running and pilates? That doesn't seem like it's enough for you."

    I would just say "Oh...yea... if I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it" But I don't have a filter most of the time.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    "you dont need to lose any weight, you look fine"

    "*kitten* calorie counting, lets go drinking"

    ^we have the same friends lol