Hi, I'm new and I'm lost o_o

liv006 Posts: 8 Member
Hello world!!!!

I am currently three months postpartum with my first child :) and I am loving being a mommy!!!! With that being said, I don't love mommy weight lol. I've always been chunky but was pretty active.. yeah not so much anymore lol. I'm so tired all the time! Anyway I've been a member here for awhile, just never used my account. I wish I would've because now I am looking to get started on getting myself active but don't know where to start?!

So... here I am, looking for motivation and tips on getting active and dieting any help I can get really!!!!


  • pilatesXOpixie
    pilatesXOpixie Posts: 70 Member
    CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!:flowerforyou: How exciting!

    Personally I'd just say small, slow steps. You definitely don't want to overwhelm yourself. If you drink lots of pop, make a plan to cut that down or out all together if you'd like. My cousin and friends have all done videos I believe they found of YouTube where they used their baby as the weight. (Nothing dangerous, just holding the baby and doing lunges/squats, things of that nature)

    Reading around these forums has given me a lot of information that I didn't previously have, there's a lot of knowledge to be gained from people on this site. Experiment, you'll find all sorts of things that work for you.
  • Nleese
    Nleese Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm new too :-) I totally relate to being tired and struggling with baby weight. My kids are 2 and 4 now and I struggle to fit in exercise around them and full time work. When they were babies, I set myself a target of taking them out once a day and pushing them somewhere in their pram. It was usually just to the shops for milk but it was a mile there and back and with 2 in the pram got the heart pumping. I would also take them for walks and feed the ducks etc and try to build in natural opportunities for exercise. Currently, we love Just Dance and all dance around the living room together which is fun and a workout.

    Hope that helps

    Naomi x
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I had CS a year ago and I gave myself 8 weeks to try exercising - doing the 30 Days Shred. It was a bad idea because the cut just hurts (imagine I have a flab hanging due to fat bulge on my tummy). Excruciating pain and so I accepted that exercising is not for me that time. Besides, it is not easy being a part of this new world of motherhood where you have to give your 100% time, energy and effort for your child. The baby routine is not easy because waking up frequently just consume your energy. How much more if you are breastfeeding, right?

    What I am trying to say is that you take your time. One mother told me before that it will take 1 year before you are able to focus on yourself again - full workout routine, dieting and others. For now, focus on your child and do what suits you both - try walking with him in his buggy. Go for longs walks at the park and rest assured he'd be sleeping well too. Bring water with you. I tried doing this but my son was born during winter time and I was too damn tired. Plus I was on the road to burnout and depression.
    The depression resulted to overeating.

    I suggest focus on eating healthy - definitely no craps and no fizzy drinks.

    Good luck!
  • liv006
    liv006 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all, long walks with my son is a good idea until I look outside and see snow everywhere O__o
  • jessicamcfarland165
    jessicamcfarland165 Posts: 17 Member
    I totally have the same problem - Husband and I took her to the mall and did some laps? Kind of a pain, but it was really nice to just get up and around again!
  • erinlibke
    erinlibke Posts: 144 Member
    I feel your pain with the snow- I'm from the Canadian prairies and it looks like we'll have snow until June the way this winter has been going. Do you have a sport complex or university in your area? Many will have drop in times that you could use the walking track. Or how about mommy and me swimming or aquasize? I know putting a bathing suit on a few months after giving birth can be more painful than a root canal but at least there will be others in the same boat as you!
  • liv006
    liv006 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm from a very small town unfortunately. There is no mall, no indoor track. We have Wal mart but if I start doing laps there they have undercover officers who'll follow me lol and we used to have an indoor track at the YMCA but the Y was turned into a homeless shelter :\ which is great but,....

    Mommy and me swimming sounds fun! I'll have to check on that! Thanks for the idea