An Introduction...

Hello folks! My name is Nathan and I hail from north state California. I am currently clocking in at about 260 pounds and looking at a goal weight of around 180. I will be running an Intermittent Fasting / Warrior type diet and Beachbody's T25 program.
In addition to T25 I personally will be doing heavy weight lifting three days per week. To keep me on track my wife is joining me along the way with T25 and we have also challenged her sister and sisters husband to see who can lose the most percentage body fat lost by the end of T25. Losing team has to buy new outfits for everyone. :)

We will be starting Monday and as such I have been playing with the food log thing here on MFP and it is a little intimidating. How important are the protein amounts and such? Do I need to stick close to them or if I intake too many will I be okay? Anyway, I look forward to "speaking" with everyone much more as the days go by.


  • GplusC
    GplusC Posts: 18
    Protein in the most important. It is difficult for the body to convert protein into fat. So if you go over whatever number it tells you do not worry. May be beneficial if you are lifting heavy. Protein repairs muscle. Healthy fats like a fish oil supplement will help out. Carbs... avoid them, but you do not have to avoid them like the plague. It looks like you are going to be working out a lot so carbs in the morning I would say is ok. Just avoid them more and more throughout the day. None at night if possible