Exercise TV videos-calories burned

Does anyone use Exercise TV? How do you know how many calories are burned?


  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    I just enter "aerobics" and go with something like that
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    I do! Look at my exercise diary for today and yesterday. Those workouts were w/ Exercise Tv. (Walking w/ Leslie 2 mile walk and 20 minute sweat etc)
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    i do a lot of videos, so i ended up buying a heart rate monitor. Great investment
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I did Exercise TV's "Quick Calorie Blast"-20min. & "Ultimate Buns"-10min. together a few nights ago and I burned about 247 cals. according to my HRM. I'm 5'2 and 159 lbs.
  • susanleigh
    Thanks everyone for the tips...I am going to have to invest in a Heart Rate Monitor, but for now I will put those videos under aerobics...I have the 45 min cardio sculpt (walking and weights) and the 20 min tank top arms (weights and stretching). Both are challenging. I was only able to do 20 mins of the first video, but gonna work my way up to doing both videos in full.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    You guys have no IDEA how frustrated I've been over this! Exercise tv is where I do the majority of my workouts and I didn't know exactly how many calories I was burning so I just logged under whatever category seemed to match. I feel just a tad stupid for constantly searching the web to get calories burned for specific videos(lol) when I could've just bought a heart rate monitor. Oh, well...you learn something new everyday. All of that searching led me right back to my second home...MFP!!! I love this site!!!! Thanks.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I firmly believe it's all dependant on how hard you worked! :)

    Best way to tell is get a HRM .. .but you could ballpark :)
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
  • runiter
    I was wondering about a same thing. I use Aerobics, general (24min) which comes to 173 calories.
    I usually use heavier dumbbells so I can imagine I'd burn more calories.
    @laughingdani, thanks for sharing your HRM readings.
    If you have HRM readings for other exercises (especially the 30 days plan) please post the calorie readings for those too.