Cutting food intake for those just starting

AFWXDUDE Posts: 53 Member

I started my journey about a little over a month ago now and i know the hardest part for me the first week or so was cutting down my food intake in terms of amounts of food. For those who may be interested on when you stop feeling hungry after cutting down portion sizes, it usually takes about 2 weeks or so. The first 4-5 days are the worst as you are so used to eating probably 3-4 lbs of food a day vs the 1-2 lbs you actually need to sustain. As I said, this has been my biggest struggle in starting a diet before, but if you just give it a chance for 2 weeks... I promise it gets SO much easier. I can now eat my 1700 calories a day without logging if I want to. Im usually even below that. So for those just starting, just give it a chance before giving up.


  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    I completely agree - I always felt hungry for the first week or so but now I hardly ever get really hungry - just enough to know my next meal is due. I also find that hard exercises suppresses my appetite for an hour or so.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    I think for some people beginning by eating at a deficit is a bit much.

    A lot of people go from eating enough to gain weight to eating at a rather large deficit overnight and are extremely hungry.

    For some people who have been consistently overheating for a long period of time, I think eating at maintenance long enough for their body to get used to not overeating before they move on to eating at a deficit would help stop some of the pangs of dieting.

    It's hard to go from eating 2500 to 3000 calories to 1500 which is what a lot of people are trying to do without realizing it.