Can someone please explain cholesterol to me?



  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I recently have had my cholesterol done and need to make a few changes as well. I am still working on finding all the correct info but from my understanding to lower overall cholesterol you look at saturated/trans fat, which is found in things like meat, cheese and a lot of processed foods. I am working to stick with leaner meats and limit cheese.

    To increase HDL (the good stuff) I was told to eat the healthy fats, avocados olive oil nuts etc, and continue working out.

    ETA: Thanks for all the links. I am going to take a look at them as well!

    You really do not want to lower your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is vital to our bodies.

    Also I would also suggest cutting back on trans fats, but not on Sat fats (sat fats are good for us).

    The reason to cut back on trans fats is not to control your cholesterol production levels but to reduce the oxidation of LDL's in your body (they are at there most harmful to us when they are oxidised). Also to help reduce inflammation, which in turn reduces the amount of LDL's.

    What he said... Focus on reducing LDL and triglycerides and increasing HDL. Don't worry about the total cholesterol number.

    Avoid trans fats. Eat high quality saturated fats, monunsaturated fats and medium chain triglycerides (coconut oil). Reducing refined carb consumption will help reduce blood triglyceride numbers.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Harvard's dietary recommendations are plant bias, so it popular with people that share those opinions.
    You are confusing dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. The types of fat and carbohydrates you eat often affects your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol.

    Maybe this will help.

    Having read through it I do think it's conclusions about saturated fats are out of date and incorrect. I personally would suggest moving away from margarine and back to butter. IMHO :smile:

    Effect of a high saturated fat and no-starch diet on serum lipid subfractions in patients with documented atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

    Thanks for the study - I've added it to my collection.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    The best thing to do to raise your HDL is exercise.

    Also, "cholesterol" found in foods really has nothing to do with your total cholesterol/LDL/HDL levels. Fats are much, much more important.

    Saturated fats and trans fats = bad fats = raise LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats = good fats = raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    The best thing to do to raise your HDL is exercise.

    Also, "cholesterol" found in foods really has nothing to do with your total cholesterol/LDL/HDL levels. Fats are much, much more important.

    Saturated fats and trans fats = bad fats = raise LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats = good fats = raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides.
    How many times in the last 40 years has that been said.........well it was wrong then and it's still wrong. Transfats should be avoided, no doubt about it. Your right though exercise is and should be our foundation for overall health and it does positively effect our cholesterol.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    The best thing to do to raise your HDL is exercise.

    Also, "cholesterol" found in foods really has nothing to do with your total cholesterol/LDL/HDL levels. Fats are much, much more important.

    Saturated fats and trans fats = bad fats = raise LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats = good fats = raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides.
    How many times in the last 40 years has that been said.........well it was wrong then and it's still wrong. Transfats should be avoided, no doubt about it. Your right though exercise is and should be our foundation for overall health and it does positively effect our cholesterol.

    I'd love to see a reputable study that proves it's wrong.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are confusing dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. The types of fat and carbohydrates you eat often affects your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol.

    Maybe this will help.

    Having read through it I do think it's conclusions about saturated fats are out of date and incorrect. I personally would suggest moving away from margarine and back to butter. IMHO :smile:

    They are not out of date, but it is important to remember that general recommendations do not easily change. People often think new studies trump older studies, which simply is not true. One must look at all the data, old and new, to form a general recommendation. Only when there is more data pointing in a different direction do recommendations change.

    As to butter or margarine, it really depends on the margarine and quantities eaten. Those with cholesterol problems would probably be better off with a margarine that contain plant sterols and no partially hydrogenated oil, especially if they eat much of it.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I'm afraid I don't agree with your butter theory. If you have cholesterol 'issues', it's not the cholesterol itself that's the issue but inflammation and oxidation.

    And the main foods to promote oxidation and inflammation (with the exception of trans fats) is not fat - it's sugars and processed carbs are among the biggest culprits.

    Sat fat isn't the bad guy. Hell sat fat is what we're made of!!! When we burn body fat (the stuff most of us are on here to lose) our body is consuming sat fat.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    You are confusing dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. The types of fat and carbohydrates you eat often affects your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol.

    Maybe this will help.

    Having read through it I do think it's conclusions about saturated fats are out of date and incorrect. I personally would suggest moving away from margarine and back to butter. IMHO :smile:

    They are not out of date, but it is important to remember that general recommendations do not easily change. People often think new studies trump older studies, which simply is not true. One must look at all the data, old and new, to form a general recommendation. Only when there is more data pointing in a different direction do recommendations change.

    As to butter or margarine, it really depends on the margarine and quantities eaten. Those with cholesterol problems would probably be better off with a margarine that contain plant sterols and no partially hydrogenated oil, especially if they eat much of it.
    If one believes that dairy fat is unhealthy, then it makes sense you would believe that.Personally refined vegetable oils are to be strictly avoided.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member

    I have just had my cholesterol tested and am in the desirable range (total 4.13mmol, HDL 1.24mmol) but my HDL is slightly down on last year. I want to keep an eye on this so I have changed the settings on MFP to show me my daily cholesterol target but now I'm slightly confused. My goal is 300 but I am not really sure what that means?

    Also, I thought nuts were a good source of good cholesterol but I had 5 brazil nuts earlier and they are showing as 0.

    Thanks in advance


    You cannot increase "good" cholesterol by eating sources of "good" cholesterol. Exercise, eat a balanced diet, avoid too much saturated fat, fried foods etc and unless there is an underlying health issue or a genetic predisposition, you are fine.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Sorry but based on information would you avoid saturated data in any quantity?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sorry but based on information would you avoid saturated data in any quantity?

    Not sure who you are asking, but that would probably be impossible. And even if it were possible, no, I do not think that would be wise.

    Personally, I just try to keep my unsats higher than my sats, and my monounsats highest of all. I don't track it though, I just use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and dressing and let the rest fall where it may.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are confusing dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. The types of fat and carbohydrates you eat often affects your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol.

    Maybe this will help.

    Having read through it I do think it's conclusions about saturated fats are out of date and incorrect. I personally would suggest moving away from margarine and back to butter. IMHO :smile:

    They are not out of date, but it is important to remember that general recommendations do not easily change. People often think new studies trump older studies, which simply is not true. One must look at all the data, old and new, to form a general recommendation. Only when there is more data pointing in a different direction do recommendations change.

    As to butter or margarine, it really depends on the margarine and quantities eaten. Those with cholesterol problems would probably be better off with a margarine that contain plant sterols and no partially hydrogenated oil, especially if they eat much of it.
    If one believes that dairy fat is unhealthy, then it makes sense you would believe that.Personally refined vegetable oils are to be strictly avoided.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm afraid I don't agree with your butter theory. If you have cholesterol 'issues', it's not the cholesterol itself that's the issue but inflammation and oxidation.

    And the main foods to promote oxidation and inflammation (with the exception of trans fats) is not fat - it's sugars and processed carbs are among the biggest culprits.

    Sat fat isn't the bad guy. Hell sat fat is what we're made of!!! When we burn body fat (the stuff most of us are on here to lose) our body is consuming sat fat.

    Sorry, unless you can give me some reason to believe your theories over those of the top nutritional scientists in the world, I'm going to stick with the HSPH recommendations. I've been following their lead for almost 30 years and never had any health problems, including cholesterol (despite coming from a strong family history of high cholesterol).
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Well whatever works for you dudess!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    You are confusing dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. The types of fat and carbohydrates you eat often affects your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol.

    Maybe this will help.

    Having read through it I do think it's conclusions about saturated fats are out of date and incorrect. I personally would suggest moving away from margarine and back to butter. IMHO :smile:

    They are not out of date, but it is important to remember that general recommendations do not easily change. People often think new studies trump older studies, which simply is not true. One must look at all the data, old and new, to form a general recommendation. Only when there is more data pointing in a different direction do recommendations change.

    As to butter or margarine, it really depends on the margarine and quantities eaten. Those with cholesterol problems would probably be better off with a margarine that contain plant sterols and no partially hydrogenated oil, especially if they eat much of it.
    If one believes that dairy fat is unhealthy, then it makes sense you would believe that.Personally refined vegetable oils are to be strictly avoided.

    Hard to say, probably because it takes the guess work out out of it for you, and doubt..........doubt takes up a lot of energy, anyway that's something you have to figure out.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    The best thing to do to raise your HDL is exercise.

    Also, "cholesterol" found in foods really has nothing to do with your total cholesterol/LDL/HDL levels. Fats are much, much more important.

    Saturated fats and trans fats = bad fats = raise LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats = good fats = raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides.
    How many times in the last 40 years has that been said.........well it was wrong then and it's still wrong. Transfats should be avoided, no doubt about it. Your right though exercise is and should be our foundation for overall health and it does positively effect our cholesterol.

    I'd love to see a reputable study that proves it's wrong.
    I'll assume you didn't open any of the links in this thread. I could post why.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    The best thing to do to raise your HDL is exercise.

    Also, "cholesterol" found in foods really has nothing to do with your total cholesterol/LDL/HDL levels. Fats are much, much more important.

    Saturated fats and trans fats = bad fats = raise LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats = good fats = raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL and triglycerides.
    How many times in the last 40 years has that been said.........well it was wrong then and it's still wrong. Transfats should be avoided, no doubt about it. Your right though exercise is and should be our foundation for overall health and it does positively effect our cholesterol.

    I'd love to see a reputable study that proves it's wrong.
    I'll assume you didn't open any of the links in this thread. I could post why.

    It's a shame they've not read it - such a good read (but then I'm bias - I like to cook my carrots in butter).:smile:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Epidemiology is easier on the thinking required, you can just pick yourself up, brush yourself off and keep walking without a worry in the world. Epidemiology, the weapon of mass confusion. Butter and carrots are dangerous, because saturated fat, beausethey say so, so it must be true, because. lol
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    you are probably better researching this one by yourself, because I have highish cholesterol genetically and the amount of misinformation that gets throw around here on this topic is beyond belief. The best one was from an alleged nurse who said 'it's produced by the body so it can't be bad', I mean so is cancer yet, I still be concerned if my body produced that one.

    However I think tracking your fats, particularly your 'good fats' and ensuring you don't have transfats, would be more beneficial then cholesterol, simply because not every food that has cholesterol will have it listed in the database.
    Where does the 35,000 mg's that you have circulating in your body right now come from, I wonder?

    yeah, it's being produced by my body, but that doesn't make it 'not bad'. One 'nurse' said in a previous post that high blood cholesterol is not bad for you, because it is produced by your body. Yes, my body is producing too much, but that doesn't make it 'good', it still ups my chances of an early heart attack which coincidentally also runs in our family just like the high cholesterol.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    No - your diet and exercise regime will determine that!

    Also it's not the cholesterol that's bad for you but the small particle LDL' (lipoprotein Cholesterol transporters).

    Plus they are only bad for you when your body is experiencing too much inflammation and the LDL's get oxidised.

    When you cholesterol reading are high LDL's and low HDL's - that's an indicator you have other underlining health issues.