loosing weight too quickly?? diet and p90x

Hi, I've done insanity before and didn't loose weight because I just ate what I wanted, I am now on my 3rd week of p90x and following the nutrition plan strictly, I've lost 12 pounds in just over 2 weeks, I keep reading that it is too fast, I was 220 pounds to start 208 now, I feel great but just wondered if anyone else might have any thoughts on this.
My diet pretty much everyday is

1 cup cottage cheese, low fat
1 cup brown rice
3 x 3oz chicken breast, skinless
2 x tins of tuna
1x fruit
1 cup of veg
Lots of water.

I just arrange that into meals and stick too it, more or less the p90x nutrition plan, phase 1 level.

I know I'm probably having not enough calories but its working and I feel good.


  • You may be losing weight but you still need to eat the correct amount of calories in order to have energy and build musle. When I did insanity I was not eating nearly enough calories. I was taking in about 800 calories a day the first time I did Insanity. I stuck to eating 1600 calories and have lost a ton of inches! Don't look at the scales, go off of inches lost. Over the last two weeks I have put on 6 pounds but have lost 3 inches. Just goes to show that the scale is nothing but a number! Also try to meet the correct macros of around 40 protein/ 40 carbs/ 20 fat. Good luck and don't give up!
  • nom9nom
    nom9nom Posts: 11 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough (my guess) because all of what you listed is like 1.5 of my meals Lol.

    You're probably losing at a deficit regardless, but it doesn't seem healthy. You would definitely not get all your nutrients nor your calories from such a meal plan. After you stop p90x, you will likely gain it all back at this rate.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Not sure if trolling, but if you are truly following your "diet", you are consuming less than 1200 calories/day. I don't know your height, but starting at 220lbs, you are severly undereating. "Healthy" weight loss will be anywhere between 1-3lbs/week. Keep in mind however, initially, the majority of your weight loss will be water weight. So it isn't shocking, especially eating less than 100g of carbs, that you lost 12lbs in two weeks, given your current weight (again, assuming your aren't 6'5 or taller).

    However, to sustain healthy weight loss in the future, I recommend recalculating your TDEE, and eating at a deficit of 250-500cals/day. Weight loss isn't linear, and the danger you may face is stalling at some point (metabolic adaptation). Then, the logical step will be to reduce calories even more. But if you are only consuming 1200cals, you don't have any room to reduce calories without health risks.

    Oh, and it's losing, not loosing...