High Protein, No Sugar Challenge (5 pounds down)



  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I am currently 2 weeks into a 6 week no sugar challenge (no added sugars, junk food). I admit I love eating sweets and high sugar foods, but in the past 2 weeks I have not eaten any sugar, except for fruits. I have lost 5 pounds so far and I want to keep losing. I just started to eat more protein in my diet, and I am wondering if this will help me in my weight loss? Currently my macros are set at 30 carbs, 30 fat, and 40 protein and eating around 1200 cal. I average 70-110 grams of protein a day. I am also fitting in 30 min workouts a day which include squats, crunches, mountain climbers, lunges, small weights, etc. Also I work full time and work on the fourth floor and take the steps around 8-10 times during the day. Does anyone have any recommendations of how to increase my fat burn? Should I add in more cardio? I lost around 3-4 pounds in the first week (mostly water weight), and this week my weight has been slowly dropping but not as fast as I thought. I am more motivated now that I lost 5 pounds total but would love feedback from others.

    I am a month into no added sugars or starches... Feel fantastic. There's a bucket of ice cream in the freezer for my husband, a package of cookies for him in the pantry, pop for him in the fridge... Yet I don't want any of them!

    My sugar comes from fruits and plain yogurt
    My other carbs come from veggies and 2 servings a day of either couscous, long grain rice, squash, etc.
    I'm roughly at 40% carbs/40% protein/20% fat

    Now down 12 pounds since February 3rd and I feel so much better than I did after the Christmas holidays.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I have the same problem with sugar - i am addicted!!

    How do you cope when you are craving something sweet?

    I am trying to replace it with sugar free snack options.

    I am ok with calorie counting - however I keep noticing that I am going over my sugar level on a daily basis!

    I have tried replacing it with fruits but that only gets me so far.. haha

    I was considering eating sugar free options. But that would still send signals to my brain to keep eating sugar. I want to change my mentality and focus on using other ways to cope with my cravings. Whenever I have the mid afternoon sugar craving, I just take the stairs a few times to keep my mind off of it. The first few days were HARD, I almost cried when my husband was eating a yummy slice of cake. I had headaches and was about to give up, but after a week my cravings started to go away. Plus I was filling up on protein and fruits :)
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I am currently 2 weeks into a 6 week no sugar challenge (no added sugars, junk food). I admit I love eating sweets and high sugar foods, but in the past 2 weeks I have not eaten any sugar, except for fruits. I have lost 5 pounds so far and I want to keep losing. I just started to eat more protein in my diet, and I am wondering if this will help me in my weight loss? Currently my macros are set at 30 carbs, 30 fat, and 40 protein and eating around 1200 cal. I average 70-110 grams of protein a day. I am also fitting in 30 min workouts a day which include squats, crunches, mountain climbers, lunges, small weights, etc. Also I work full time and work on the fourth floor and take the steps around 8-10 times during the day. Does anyone have any recommendations of how to increase my fat burn? Should I add in more cardio? I lost around 3-4 pounds in the first week (mostly water weight), and this week my weight has been slowly dropping but not as fast as I thought. I am more motivated now that I lost 5 pounds total but would love feedback from others.

    I am a month into no added sugars or starches... Feel fantastic. There's a bucket of ice cream in the freezer for my husband, a package of cookies for him in the pantry, pop for him in the fridge... Yet I don't want any of them!

    My sugar comes from fruits and plain yogurt
    My other carbs come from veggies and 2 servings a day of either couscous, long grain rice, squash, etc.
    I'm roughly at 40% carbs/40% protein/20% fat

    Now down 12 pounds since February 3rd and I feel so much better than I did after the Christmas holidays.

    That's exactly how I am feeling now! It feels great to not crave it anymore. I stick to greek yogurt with fruits in the morning, or oatmeal with fruits and that usually keeps me full till lunch. I have always tried to take out added sugars, but I always ended up failing. This time I am 15 days in.. they say it take 21 days to form a habit :)
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I have the same problem with sugar - i am addicted!!

    How do you cope when you are craving something sweet?

    I am trying to replace it with sugar free snack options.

    I am ok with calorie counting - however I keep noticing that I am going over my sugar level on a daily basis!

    I have tried replacing it with fruits but that only gets me so far.. haha

    Don't replace sugar cravings with sugar free snacks... Eat when you are hungry, and eat protein and veggies to fill you up.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Honestly I would stay away from 1200 calories. You could probably eat more and still lose weight. It will be slower in progress but it will be a more lasting weight loss.

    I am feeling satisfied on 1200 since I am eating more protein and less junk food. I also plan on upping the calories later on once I hit my goals. Some days I eat more than 1200, just depends on how I feel.

    That still doesn't mean you are properly fuelling your body.

    A female with your ht, wt, age, and activity level has a TDEE of ~2000 calories, and BMR of ~1400
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You are right, for now I will continue what I am doing until my body gets leaner and I lose more fat. Then I will work on building more muscle and maintaining it.

    Um, do you understand how hard it is to build muscle?

    Why would you want to lose it and then go through all of the painstaking work and caloric surplus you'd need in order to build it? Why not eat more, lift some weights, and maintain what you have. It would be much easier on your body.
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member

    That's exactly how I am feeling now! It feels great to not crave it anymore. I stick to greek yogurt with fruits in the morning, or oatmeal with fruits and that usually keeps me full till lunch. I have always tried to take out added sugars, but I always ended up failing. This time I am 15 days in.. they say it take 21 days to form a habit :)

    Good work! I maintained a huge weight loss for years by eating this way and allowing a treat once a week on sundays. Then I met my husband, dating took it's toll on my lifestyle lol. We've been living together for about half a year now and just getting back into the habits that helped me keep trim before.

    15 days is great! Just one more month to go :)

    Do you have a plan for when are done your 6 weeks to make sure you don't fall back to sugar binging?
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    You are right, for now I will continue what I am doing until my body gets leaner and I lose more fat. Then I will work on building more muscle and maintaining it.

    Um, do you understand how hard it is to build muscle?

    Why would you want to lose it and then go through all of the painstaking work and caloric surplus you'd need in order to build it? Why not eat more, lift some weights, and maintain what you have. It would be much easier on your body.

    No, I don't intend to be bulky, I just want to have a leaner body.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    So what happens when your little challenge is over? Your way is only effective if you plan to do it for the rest of your life. After your challenge, you will still have no self control and will more than likely binge on added sugar. However, if you eat cookies in moderation, you have a much better chance at long term weight loss.

    Good luck on never eating added sugars again.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Double Post
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Does that include natural sugar, like maple syrup and organic honey?

    Yes, even natural sugars, I am only eating fruits. I am also trying to minimize white flour and starches.

    So fruit doesn't make you binge, but added sugar does? Is it just a mental thing, I'm guessing?

    Have you ever heard of anyone binging on apples??! No... Because apples make you feel full because they are full of fiber.

    Oreos on the other hand, you can eat a package and not feel full, you would just feel sick.

    Not mental at all.

    I think it is mental, there is something comforting about eating sugary and fatty foods. But since I am not allowing myself to eat it, I feel less prone to crave it. I don't even think twice about it when it is in front of me.

    I'm glad you understand that it's mental. If sugar in fruit doesn't make you binge, no reason that cookies should. They definitely won't get you full as fruit, but to me, that's just having the mental willpower to say "no" after a serving or something.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member

    That's exactly how I am feeling now! It feels great to not crave it anymore. I stick to greek yogurt with fruits in the morning, or oatmeal with fruits and that usually keeps me full till lunch. I have always tried to take out added sugars, but I always ended up failing. This time I am 15 days in.. they say it take 21 days to form a habit :)

    Good work! I maintained a huge weight loss for years by eating this way and allowing a treat once a week on sundays. Then I met my husband, dating took it's toll on my lifestyle lol. We've been living together for about half a year now and just getting back into the habits that helped me keep trim before.

    15 days is great! Just one more month to go :)

    Do you have a plan for when are done your 6 weeks to make sure you don't fall back to sugar binging?

    Thanks, Yeah since I've been married (2.5 years) I have gained weight and fat. I am trying to get back into shape and keep my family healthy. I am working on a plan for later, maybe allowing a treat once a week at maximum. I need to set limits and enforce them in order to follow through with them. Do you have any tips that have worked for you?
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    So what happens when your little challenge is over? Your way is only effective if you plan to do it for the rest of your life. After your challenge, you will still have no self control and will more than likely binge on added sugar. However, if you eat cookies in moderation, you have a much better chance at long term weight loss.

    Good luck on never eating added sugars again.

    Haha get real, I will never be able to do that.. I am keeping away from added sugars for 6 weeks, just to learn willpower. After that I plan on limiting myself to one treat a week. :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You are right, for now I will continue what I am doing until my body gets leaner and I lose more fat. Then I will work on building more muscle and maintaining it.

    Um, do you understand how hard it is to build muscle?

    Why would you want to lose it and then go through all of the painstaking work and caloric surplus you'd need in order to build it? Why not eat more, lift some weights, and maintain what you have. It would be much easier on your body.

    No, I don't intend to be bulky, I just want to have a leaner body.

    Do you know how hard it is to be bulky?

    At your deficit you are losing fat, water, and MUSCLE. You may lose the weight, but in many cases like this the individual's BF% doesn't change drastically due to the loss of LBM vs. loss of fat.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    So what happens when your little challenge is over? Your way is only effective if you plan to do it for the rest of your life. After your challenge, you will still have no self control and will more than likely binge on added sugar. However, if you eat cookies in moderation, you have a much better chance at long term weight loss.

    Good luck on never eating added sugars again.

    Haha get real, I will never be able to do that.. I am keeping away from added sugars for 6 weeks, just to learn willpower. After that I plan on limiting myself to one treat a week. :)

    Hey if that works for you great. I don't think I would even want to go cold sugar, then reintroduce it. I just eat junk food in extreme moderation. If it fits, eat it!
  • Lld320
    Lld320 Posts: 81
    Thanks! I have heard that weights are better than cardio. I have a treadmill but whenever I run for long periods of time I get shin pain and hip pain, even after stretching. I have been doing cardio in the past with little results but I see more results with a stricter diet and more body weight workouts. I do not have a gym membership, and don't have access to heavy weights. Is it possible to build muscle/strength by doing body weight workouts? I have a 10 month old that weight 22 pounds, and I use her for squatting and bridges :) My clothes are feeling looser and I feel like I am heading in the right direction. I just want to make sure that I can maintain the weight loss.

    I know it sucks to hear, but you can't maintain any rate of weight loss. The more you lose the less you have to lose and therefore the harder it becomes. Don't use your progress right now as a bench mark, it will only disappoint.
    There are a lot of people out there that will say heavy lifting is more important than cardio, I think they are both crucial for different purposes. You can absolutely do almost everything you can in a gym with body weight especially starting out, just look up some routines on YouTube.
    You should buy new shoes if your getting sin splints and your hips are hurting. I burn through shoes like every two months, they don't last long :( just buy ones that you can wear for other stuff once their worn out.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I think it's cool you're doing this no-sugar challenge... Best of luck with it! I peeked at your diary and your meals look very tasty and balanced. Sounds like you're enjoying success too. Keep up the good work!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    You are right, for now I will continue what I am doing until my body gets leaner and I lose more fat. Then I will work on building more muscle and maintaining it.

    Um, do you understand how hard it is to build muscle?

    Why would you want to lose it and then go through all of the painstaking work and caloric surplus you'd need in order to build it? Why not eat more, lift some weights, and maintain what you have. It would be much easier on your body.

    Good to see at least one voice of reason :drinker:
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    So what happens when your little challenge is over? Your way is only effective if you plan to do it for the rest of your life. After your challenge, you will still have no self control and will more than likely binge on added sugar. However, if you eat cookies in moderation, you have a much better chance at long term weight loss.

    Good luck on never eating added sugars again.

    Haha get real, I will never be able to do that.. I am keeping away from added sugars for 6 weeks, just to learn willpower. After that I plan on limiting myself to one treat a week. :)

    Hey if that works for you great. I don't think I would even want to go cold sugar, then reintroduce it. I just eat junk food in extreme moderation. If it fits, eat it!

    She isn't cutting out sugar. She is eating fruit, yogurt, assuming other things that have sugar in it.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I can completely relate to what you're saying... for my extended lent (started Sunday and doing 55 days instead of 40) I've given up sugar, alcohol, fried foods (I love sweet potatoe fries and chicken wings) and processed food. I'm on day 5 today and I feel amazing. Mind you, I'm still adding honey to my coffee. I find that having chocolate protein shakes that taste like chocolate milk help me a TON because it's like a treat for me :)

    Last year I gave up JUST sugar and not everything else and dropped 8lbs in the 40 days. It was crazy! Mind you, I was also lifting minimum twice a week and working out 4-5 days a week. Now, I work out between 7 and 10 times a week (morning and afternoon most days) and I feel amazing.

    Let me just tell you that once I started to eat sugar again, I didn't really want it. However, as time went on, it was a every so often, to every weekend... so just watch it ;)

    Good luck!