new here


Start using the site 2 weeks ago. I havent lost yet. I have discovered that most of my calories are coming from sweet tea and beer. Need to make this change I am not getting any younger...


  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    Totally! Liquid calories are the worst!
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    The first thing I did when I decided to lose weight and calorie count was give up beer. I am very often heard reminding myself that I could have a beer or a pork chop. I probably sound nuts to other people, but it helps. I switched to rum & diet when we go out. I cannot believe how many calories I was taking in from liquids alone. I am also now a huge fan of splenda because I hate the taste of nutra-sweet. Good Luck!
  • brockly25
    but the goo think is you know what your doing wrong :) thats the frist steep :) keep puting down EVERTHING you eat and your eyes will open up :) and if your need a buddy i am here :)

    sorry my computer lock up i cant delete the other posts :(
  • brockly25
    but the goo think is you know what your doing wrong :) thats the frist steep :) keep puting down EVERTHING you eat and your eyes will open up :) and if your need a buddy i am here :)
  • brockly25
    but the goo think is you know what your doing wrong :) thats the frist steep :) keep puting down EVERTHING you eat and your eyes will open up :) and if your need a buddy i am here :)
  • brockly25
    but the good think is you know what your doing wrong :) thats the frist steep :) keep puting down EVERTHING you eat and your eyes will open up :) and if your need a buddy i am here :)
  • brockly25
    but the good think is you know what your doing wrong :) thats the frist steep :) keep puting down EVERTHING you eat and your eyes will open up :) and if your need a buddy i am here :)
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Yeah - my motto is, "If you don't like it, change it." I hate wasting calories on something that I can't chew...

    I'm here support if you need it...