Beginner Work Out Routine (@Gym)

Hi Everyone!
Backstory: Newbie here on MFP I am a 21yo F/5'6/147lbs I've always eaten anything I wanted : chips, poutine, anything deep fried basically and have been around 146-150. I'm also pretty dormant, I have a sitting job at a computer and I pretty much never work out its just home, work, school, always sitting. But because of my bad diet and lack of excersize I have very little muscle and am flabby and I don't want to be flabby anymore.
I have a gym membership for work it's at a pretty nice gym private ladies room with a steam room in it etc. I have gone to the gym twice in the past week and it always seems pretty obvious- go to the gym = lose fat/build muscle but when I get there I have no idea where to start.
My routine for the past two times I've went: ellipical (pretty fast) for 20 minutes then wander around using random machines for legs/arms/stomach for another 25 then I hop on the treadmill for a fast inclined walk for 10 min. Usually at the end of this I'm sweating bullets, I can't breathe but I'm not 100% sure what I am doing is efficient for a semifast weight loss.

TL; DR = So the heart of my question is: What do you recommend for a beginner work out routine? / What is your regular work out routine?

Edit: Would love to make some friends here add me!


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    You dont need to lose weight semifast. Just keep moving your body and it will happen. Your routine sounds fine. As long as your diet is in check. You're golden.
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    Do you have a smartphone?

    If so I personally suggest getting the apps C25K and Stronglifts 5X5.

    The C25K is training to run a 5K but I mainly use it because it gives me an exact plan to follow for cardio. Stonglifts is the same except with weights. They are both beginner programs but make it very simple when you have an app that tells you exactly what to do.

    Hope this helps!
  • AlaskanVeteran
    AlaskanVeteran Posts: 10 Member
    Research Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Great book for beginners and intermediate lifters.

    Lifting preserves muscle as you lose weight and it speeds up weight loss because you're obviously burning more calories. There's a lot more to it than that but the information is provided in the book and within the Starting Strength wiki page.

    I also suggest going to and reading the sticky. There's a lot of valuable information to be gleaned there.

  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    To lose fat/gain muscle your best bet would be to follow a free weight program such as Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength.

    Note that you cannot lose fat/gain muscle at the same time - choose what is most important to you now and do that. Either cut (eat at a deficit) to lose fat, or bulk (eat at a surplus) to gain muscle.

    If you choose to cut first, strength training will help preserve your muscle and ensure your weight loss comes mostly from fat.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Does the gym have free weights including dumbbells and an Olympic barbell (7ft. long, weighs 45lbs.)? I would suggest lifting free weights 3x per week (Ex. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and doing some type of cardio on your non-lifting days or a short workout after you're done lifting.

    Check your local library or Amazon for the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women," it's an awesome program. There's a group here on MFP that follows the program and they can provide great support. Just search the groups using NROL4W in the box.

    Always walk into the gym with a plan, not wandering.
  • AlaskanVeteran
    AlaskanVeteran Posts: 10 Member
    Edit: Moved extra post to original post.