Breakfast Options

Hi Everybody

Breakfast is usually a real struggle for me and the breakfasts that I have had this past week isn't anything exciting. I've been looking at some cereal choices but I"ve found that too many of them have fructose and glucose in them and I'm running out of choices! So I just wanted to know what's working for everyone else if any of you could let me know what your best breakfast choices are so that I don't end skipping the meal all together. Any of your ideas and advice wil be really appreciated and help me out a lot and save me from my breakfast challenge!

Thanks Everyone


  • CoachJ77
    CoachJ77 Posts: 80 Member
    I like two whole eggs and two extra egg whites scrambled. You can also boil the eggs too and just sprinkle a little salt on them to eat. I am taking that you are trying to lower your carb intake... If I am wrong, then boiled eggs sliced over toast is a great breakfast and pretty low carb and healthy.

    If you can eat carbs, then oatmeal boiled in a non-fat milk and adding cinnamon and some low-sugar maple syrup (and splenda if you need a little extra sweet) Is great too!
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    If low carb, eggs.. Cooked however you want!

    If not, baked beans (not sure if you have them the same as we do in Australia)
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    My three favs are: 3 eggs (2 whites 1 whole) , 1 cup broccoli and 1/4 cup reduced fat shredded cheddar.

    Directions: Scramble and enjoy!

    Oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter and a smashed banana mixed in


    Egg white omelet w/ feta cheese, tomatoes and spinach
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    My standard breakfast is a serve of cooked rolled oats ( aka oatmeal) with about 10g of honey, 1/2 tablespoon of slivered almonds, 40 - 60g low fat natural greek yoghurt and 5 or so dates if I have them. Works out to about 250 - 280 calories.

    If I'm in a hurry to get out the door I'll generally grab a slice of toasted banana bread (no butter) from my local coffee shop on the way to work.
  • Beebee78
    I either have eggs or I used extra lean beef mince and make burgers - about 155g each xxx
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I've been having 2 slices of thin pumpernickel bread toasted (it's chewy when it's toasted!!) On that I have a teaspoon of cream cheese, slice of tomatoe. I then hard boil an egg and slice it and place on top.

    It's really yummy, fills me up and is not too high in calories.

    Sometimes I put smoked salman on top of the cream cheese and a slice of tomatoe. I eat it after I've been to the gym which is normally around 10.30 by the time I've had it!
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    i have 30grams of porridge oats made with water, then a splash of milk, cinnamon and splenda followed by a protein shake. 24 grams of both carbs and protein.

    tastes great, its very warming for those cold mornings :)
  • sippy01
    Uhhhhggggg,! Eggs are starting to make me feel sick every time I eat them!! They are so low in carbs though. Now what???
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Uhhhhggggg,! Eggs are starting to make me feel sick every time I eat them!! They are so low in carbs though. Now what???

    Don't eat anything that your body doesn't respond positively to. Celery and asparagus are awesome for a body, but tear up my I stay away from them.

    There are other low carb options out there including protein shakes if you like those. Or, you could actually try some oatmeal. Even though they appear to be a high carb meal, there is so much fiber in them that the carbs breakdown so slowly that it is definitely not the same as though you just had fruits.

    Also remember that as long as you have carbs and protein together, you don't need to go really low carb. Proteins slow down the digestion of carbs like fiber does, so when you have protein and carbs together you get a much less insulin spike if any at all. That's why spagetti with meat sauce is better for low carb diets than spagetti with marinara sauce. :)

    And another thing to keep in mind is this: even with low carb diets, you still need to have some carbs in there anyway. And, experts say that it is best to have your carbs earlier in the day than later. That way you have more of an opportunity to burn it away with your exercise and your daily activities.
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I normally have a banana and light yougart, flavored oatmeal, or animal crackers.
  • vauleese
    My common staple since I started with this site is yogurt. I have found though that a bowl of Crispix with skim milk is only 150 calories.

    Otherwise I've had 2 eggs scrambled

    A whole wheat english muffin with sugar free jelly/jam

    If I could find Special K Waffles again I would have 2 of those with fat free yogurt on top instead of syrup. Those were sooo good!
  • emaciated
    Warm Quinoa with honey cinnamon and banana!


    Greek Yogurt (Chobani brand is amazing) with Granola and fresh Berries!


    SMOOTHIES!!!!!!! Frozen Banana/Frozen Berries/Greek Yogurt or Soy Milk/Avocado
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I usually have a banana. Lately, Ive eaten 2 slices of low sodium turkey bacon, with an egg on a peice of multigrain bread - sometimes 15 g of cheese!
  • bonsweetcandie
    I tend to have the same thing for breakfast everyday. It's fast and easy and when it's the same thing I don't have to think about what to eat earlier in the morning.

    2- 100g containers of 0% sugar free Yogurt
    1/2 Cup - Frozen Unsweetened Blueberries or raspberries
    1/2 Cup - Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal

    It's so good and I've been eating it for breakfast everyday for over 6months now and haven't got bored yet!
  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    I try to switch it up every few day. Mostly through the week when I have to work I have a Special K cereal bar with a piece of fruit They come in several flavors, and everyone I've tried is really good. On the weekends I will have either a bagel thin with sugar free preserves, jelly/jam, cereal (either cheerios or honey nut cheerios) in 2% or 1% milk. Occassionally I will fix my own breakfast sandwich using a bagel thin, 2 egg omelet (you could add any veggies you like), 2 slices of low sodium bacon & a little cheese ( very delish & filling).
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i am all about routine and i have no issue with eating the same thing over and over again....i eat 1 cup of cheerios dry with 1 serving of fruit and 1 cup of 1% milk. the only thing that changes is the fruit based on what i have.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    For Cereal I really like Kashi Go Lean Cruch, it's great with a 1/2 cup of Almond milk or a 1/2 cup of you're favorite yogurt adding fruit pieces with the yogurt is really yummy too. I've tried peaches, blackberries and bananas. They were all super yummy.When I don't feel like cereal I like to have 1 cup of Cascade Fresh Fat Free Blueberry yogurt with banana slices and/or blackberries.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i really like an english muffin toasted with a smidge of peanut butter and honey...yummy!
    i also love kashi go lean crisp in the toasted berry kind (w/o milk) is awesome and only 180 calories.
    i do notice that when i eat an english muffin i am not as hungry than when i eat cereal.
  • turbojanem
    three suggestions:
    1) cook steel cut oats in the crock pot over night in bulk. put the leftovers in the fridge for the following days. (use twice the recommended liquid, i use half almond or silk milk and half water) add an granny smith apple, cinnamon and molasses for taste and YUMMMO!
    2) i love to prepare my veggies in advance and then cook up my 1 egg, 2 egg white omelets. warm the veggies while the eggs are cooking, and you have protein and are on your way to lots of veggies for the day.
    3) why must we eat "breakfast" foods for our first meal? find leftovers and eat those.

    and i also have a meal replacement shake that i will have for breakfast when i'm headed out the door early in the morning. it's packed with protein and over 70 ingredients. it's chocolate and taste good too!
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Steak and a cigar