higher set point?

Hi i was hoping i could get some advice from anyone that has purposely tried to gain some weight.
I got caught in a short cycle of disordered eating and went from about 70kg to 48kg. I hated being so skinny so i gained up to about 53kg where i maintained for a few months. In those months i also began weightlifting which i now love. I do it 2-3 times a week for about an hour. The cardio i do will be some walking around university campus, dancing on weekends, or a short hike sometimes. Anyway, end of november i decided i was still a little too skinny so i ate A LOT during christmas and after about 5 weeks i gained to 57kg where i have been for the past month or more despite going back to normal eating habits…
Heres my question: why did i not lose the weight i gained over christmas even if i went back to eating average 2000cals per day and exercising 3 times a week? Should i eat less of would that mess up metabolism? I love that my boobs and but have gotten bigger but its the lingering belly fat that is bothering me.
What do you guys think??
(20 y/o female, 5'5.5)