Trying to get back into the swing

I used to use MFP a couple of years ago religiously and I just got out of the habit. Part of it was that I figured out how to eat 1,200 calories per day (provided I wasn't eating out somewhere) and thus didn't need to track all the time. I'm currently about 10 pounds above my goal weight, 15 if I'm dreaming.

I'm just in need of some type of motivation/help - I work an office job for 8-10 hours per day and get home and often feel low on energy and have no desire to exercise. I've always hated exercise anyway! I thought I would try putting on a TV show and doing some arm exercises with my weights to get started but does anyone else have suggestions for mindless easy cardio? When the weather warms up, I want to start bike riding again. I was doing 20-25 miles per week within the first few weeks but I gained 7 pounds and freaked out!


  • MrsMetzler2013
    MrsMetzler2013 Posts: 22 Member
    Like you, I work an office job and by the time I'm home I do not want to work. I have made it a habit to get up an hour early in the mornings, put in a workout dvd, and get my workout out of the way before I even get to work. It also really helps me to make more conscious food choices because I don't want to undo the workout. If you don't like exercise dvds you can walk or run in place, do pushups, jumping jacks, squats, situps, etc or run up and down the stairs for a little while. I have quite the library of workout dvds, everything from bootcamp, strength training, yoga, pilates to Tae Bo and other high intensity training. Its awesome because I do not get bored and there is something to fit every mood.

    I am just getting back into it too. Over the holidays my husband and I bought and started remodeling a house, which took all of my energy, add the constant eating out because there was no time to cook and I gained ten pounds. As much as I hate to be hungry, in a weird way it feels good because I know it is better than stuffing everything I can into my mouth :)

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Right there with the two of you. I just posted this on my timeline. Glad to see I'm not alone.
    I three have an office job and lately I've been working longer hours so working out when I come home is the last thing on my mind. I decided all week that I'm going to return to working out first thing in the morning before work so I can have it out of the way and not get discouraged or lazy at the end of the day. If I feel like doing a light run or walk in the evening I can. I've been feeling so guilty lately because I feel I've let myself go. But today is a new day and although my eating wasn't the best, I tracked every bite.
    Take baby steps.